DL Open Thread: Mon., Nov. 4, 2019

Filed in Featured by on November 4, 2019

REPORT: Kushner OK’d Khashoggi’s Arrest. Turkey Heard The Call, And Forced Trump Out Of Northern Syria.  Don’t worry, the Rethugs and Fox will figure out how to spin it.

A Health Insurance Nightmare With A Happy Ending.  Courtesy of Pro Publica.

Trump To Cali: Burn In HellHelp Putin fight fires in Siberia? Yes. Cali, not so much.

Hillary Thinking Of Getting In Race? Probably not. But she’s making some moves as if she’s thinking about it. The corporate class is terrified of losing control of the Democratic Party.

What do YOU want to talk about?

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    Another LGBTQ news outlet with national reach reported the Earl Jaques comment.


    For those who don’t know Philly has been a bastion of the LGBTQ civil rights fight almost as long as NYC. As this news spreads monies will flow consistently in Morrison’s coffers.