Highlands Bunker – E39 – Karl Marks Capital

Filed in National by on November 4, 2019

Ed Note: It is 2019 and Delaware is still the legal domicile of terrorists, arms dealers, human traffickers, dark web drug dealers, Donald Trump, and other criminal low lifes. After listening to this episode I am left with two questions which I will put in the comments section, after I select my patronage level and input my credit card digits.

News Journal reporter Karl Bakerand returning champion Jordan Howell join RE Vanella in the bunker to talk about the shady practices of Delaware corporations, how this connects to Rudy Giuliani and his goons, and some of the funny LLC names registered in Delaware.

Show Notes:

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (7)

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    The most wholesome response to the show is a patronage.

    Big, big stuff coming up.

    Representative Paul Baumbach RD23
    Eminent historian & author Professor Harvey J Kaye
    Super Producer Margaret for a special ep.

    Much much more. Activists, national guests, candidates(?)

    Get in


  2. jason330 says:

    Oh yeah, my questions:

    If we can’t not take their money, why are we letting terrorists, arms dealers, human traffickers, dark web drug dealers, Donald Trump, and other criminal low lifes off so cheap?

    Don’t we think terrorists, arms dealers, human traffickers, dark web drug dealers, Donald Trump, and other criminal low lifes would pay up to $10k for all the secrecy services?

  3. RE Vanella says:


    I’ve said it before. If you want to run a mafioso enterprise the adage is fuck you, pay me.

    Geoffrey Bollocks is a bad gangster.

    • Bane says:

      I like how you think. But I think he’s actually a good gangster. The “fuck you, pay me anything I want” adage only works for half the movie, then everyone goes to jail or the new mobster takes all your customers. The old wise guys made sure you could afford what they charged. This way Delaware can get more customers; Not just the arms dealer or Trump, but the little guy who’s just trying to hide money from his wife in a divorce or the woman who’s trying to sell weed for the first time and needs a clean entity for her soccer mom friends to pay her with their credit cards. This way, DE can count on the revenue for years to come as you’ve diversified your customer base and you can squeeze out the competition. Now you can build a monopoly. What would you rather be? Bentley or Toyota?

      • Bane says:

        Bentley did like $1.5 billion last year, charging whatever they want to a niche customer. Toyota did $30 billion selling to any SOB with with a drivers license. Just saying.

  4. RE Vanella says:

    I’d rather not facilitate global money laundering. But as a “pragmatic compromise” I’ll take 20 new state of the art public schools by 2025, an immediate 50% teacher pay rise and say 5,000 new affordable housing units in the next 36 months state wide.

    Our lucrative scheme does not provide these things. Guess why.

  5. RE Vanella says:

    Ok, I’ll tell you. Because the capital and the money and the benefit isn’t for us. It’s not meant to improve our material conditions.

    Here’s the trick. You ready? It’s suppose to create the conditions under which our material needs are met. Like magic!

    But it never does.