Suck it Coons

Filed in National by on November 4, 2019

Most Democrats Now Identify As ‘Liberal’ Via 538

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    I think we should primary Chris Coons. I really do.

    • bamboozer says:

      We Should Primary Coons, if for no other reason then to demonstrate the contempt we feel for the little weasel. The truth is “centrist” is code for moderately conservative, he is not a Dem. And don’t rule out Coons voting against impeachment either, he is every bit that bad.

  2. Keeping it Real says:

    You’re not Liberal. You’re Leftists. Big difference.

  3. Keeping it Real says:

    It wasn’t a compliment.

    • Alby says:

      If you’re going to insult people, it would help if you would, y’know, use insulting terms, or at least universal ones.

      Care to tell us the difference between liberals and leftists in the Keeping It Real lexicon?

      If this is intended as a defense of Coons, I can tell you that this wee, cowardly little man is a waste of your time and effort.

    • RE Vanella says:

      It is to me!

  4. Keeping it Real says:

    The difference? Easy. Liberals believe in free and open exchange of ideas. Leftists look to destroy everything in their path. The family, religious beliefs, work ethic, obeying the law, common decency are just a few. It is not an insult or compliment. Just a statement.

    • Alby says:

      A statement not rooted in fact.

      It is, however, an interesting list of things you think are being “destroyed” by “leftists.” It’s pretty much the same list of thing conservatives claim are being destroyed by leftists and liberals, whom they see no difference between.

      So let’s look at your list of things you treasure.

      Religious beliefs: Another way of saying, “I believe in a bunch of stuff that has no basis in reality, and I resent having that pointed out to me”

      Work ethic: Convenient way to keep the serfs producing for the capitalists. A “work ethic” is brainwashing by your overlords. You owe it to nobody to work in a capitalist system that produces more than enough for everyone without everyone working.

      Obeying the law: Authoritarianism at its finest. I don’t think you understand what “liberal” means.

      Common decency: Another tool for keeping the serfs in line.

      Your “just a statement” shows you to be a very warped version of “liberal.”

    • RE Vanella says:

      Understanding the class dynamics of the political economy destroys the family!

      Countries governed on socialist principles have abolished all families, do not work and have no laws!

      I had never noticed this until now.

    • John Kowalko says:

      Keeping It Real
      I remember you type well when I was younger I’d say “Please Mom can we go see/ listen to the clown dressed as an ignoramus
      You queried:
      “The difference? Easy. Liberals believe in free and open exchange of ideas. Leftists look to destroy everything in their path. The family, religious beliefs, work ethic, obeying the law, common decency are just a few”.

      Destroy the “family” = Trump’s immigration policies, ergo Trump is a “leftist”
      Destroy “religious beliefs” = Trump’s multiple failed marriages and a dozen sordid affairs, ergo Trump is a “leftist”
      Destroy “work ethic” = Ivanka, Jared, Erik, Donald Jr., Justice Department, State Department, numerous ambassadorships and Rudy (all because of Donald), ergo Trump is a “leftist”.
      Destroying “Obeying the law” = Trump, Trump, and Trump (not, not and not). Mannafort, Barr, Pompeo, Putin, Zelenski etc. and all of the indicted/convicted who worked under the orders the orange peel, ergo Trump is a leftist.
      Destroying “common decency” (you must be effin’ insane but I’ll play) Trump’s racism, hate spewing, white supremacist support, attacks on women, attacks on any and all who don’t agree with his insane views, support for Putin and Erdogan and many other murderous dictators, belittling attacks on the disabled, attacks on families of war heroes, and every time he utters any of his disgustingly ignorant and willfully hateful remarks ergo Trump is a leftist.
      Congratulations moron you’ve managed to condense the Trumper into one easily identifiable stereotype. TRUMP IS A LEFTIST
      Representative John Kowalko

      • Alby says:

        I don’t think he’s a Trump supporter, just a “common sense” (conservative) Democrat. Or maybe just a troll.

  5. jason330 says:

    Hamperist – Like to lick everything in their path. Families, religious icons, dry cleaning tickets.

    Making up your own meanings for words is FUN!!!

  6. Alby says:

    I’d be much more impressed if limp-dick moderates could mount a detailed defense of Coons instead of an attack on the messengers who make plain his cowardice and affluence-coddling policy positions.

    Claiming to like his aisle-crossing is another way of proclaiming that your goal is to continue to kick the can down the road in perpetuity.

    Yes, if we can continue to gain through compromise at our current rate, perhaps our underwater-dwelling great-grandchildren will get universal health care.

  7. Keeping it Real says:

    Rep. Kowalko. Let me get this straight. By your reckoning, Trump is a Leftist and you also are a Leftist. Does that mean you are both in the same basket of deplorables? Interesting

  8. Keeping it Real says:

    That makes absolutely no sense.

  9. Keeping it Real says:

    Neither. Just trying to understand the Leftist position. I have to say you (collectively) send a very mixed message. Trump is a Leftist is a classic, especially because you all identify as same.

  10. Keeping it Real says:

    I think perhaps you (collectively) don’t understand how to deliver satire.

    • Alby says:

      Perhaps not. But you’re not going to solve that problem, are you?

      As I said before, your stated list of things “leftists” want to “destroy” says a lot more about you than it does about leftists. Why are you here?

  11. John Kowalko says:

    You’re an “idiot”—–Not satire
    If only Trump didn’t “act” like an “idiot”————SATIRE