Delaware Liberal

Biden Polling a very distant 2nd to Bernie Warren

If Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren were one person (or if one of the two suddenly dropped out) the press could dispense with the nonsense that Biden is a strong candidate.

Instead of Biden (28%), Warren (23%), Sanders (17%) it would be Sandwarren (40%) and waaaaaaaaaay behind Joe Biden with a measly (28%). The upshot is that the old guard is on the ropes. As long as Sanders and Warren don’t kill each other we’ll have a decent non-corporatist candidate for a change.

Three new national polls find that former Vice President Joe Biden and Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are leading the pack of Democratic presidential candidates less than 100 days before the Iowa caucuses, the first real test of the 2020 Democratic primary.

Biden is at 28% among Democratic voters and independents who lean Democratic, while Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat, is at 23% and Sanders, a Vermont independent, is at 17%, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll released Sunday. In the September iteration of the poll, the former vice president had nearly the same amount of support while Warren was at 18% and Sanders was at 19%.

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