Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Tues., Nov. 5, 2019

Call It What It Is: Extortion.  Sometimes the simplest explanation is the easiest to, um, explain.

Rudy Vs. Bannon?  I love circular firing squads.

Trump Begins Process To Exit Paris Climate Accord. He literally doesn’t let any grass grow. Begins exit process on the first day that he can.

PG & E Ignored Upgrades, Spent Millions On Lobbying, After Declaring Bankruptcy.  This is a rogue company and needs to be taken over.

Election Day Preview. Virginia looks promising, and D’s could take Kentucky governorship, although Trump popularity might push R over finish line.

Matt Meyer Seeks Reelection, NCC Cops Protest.  Must suck not having Tom Gordon giving them carte blanche all the time.

What do you want to talk about?


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