Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Nov. 6, 2019

Rethugs Losing The Suburbs.  No, not just Delaware County, which is pretty amazing by itself.  The DC suburbs are gone.  And D performance in the Kentucky suburbs across the river from Ohio bodes ill for R’s in 2020. Mecklenberg County in North Carolina, the list goes on and on. To me, that’s the political story of last night and the last couple of years

National D’s Recruited A Loser In Colorado? The corporate D’s, led by Chuck Schumer, gave the blandly undistinguished John Hickenlooper their love. Denver, we might have a problem. Evan Bayh, Part Deux? They never learn. Enough already with these corporate retreads.

How Pence Funneled US Middle East Aid To Christian Groups.  In some ways, he’s even more dangerous than Trump.  Trump may pay lip service to the notion of a Christian nation, but Pence wants to turn us into one.

How the Securities & Exchange Commission Helps America Inc. While Placing Investors At Risk. Forget about not learning from history. This administration doesn’t even read history.

Climate Change Endangers Delaware’s Indian River Inlet.  Resolving the problem will be…tricky.

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