Mark my words

Filed in National by on November 6, 2019

I never thought Joe Biden was dumb, but when he says things like this he sounds like a stone cold idiot.

“With Donald Trump out of the way, you’re going to see a number of my Republican colleagues have an epiphany. Mark my words. Mark my words,” Biden said at a DC fundraiser today at the Sidley Austin law firm. @samstein

Biden thinks his superpower is bipartisanship. It isn’t. It’s amnesia.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. mediawatch says:

    Maybe Joe’s right about electability. We’ll see.
    But if he thinks Mitch will kiss his ring on inauguration day, he’s really dreaming.

  2. puck says:

    Trump was never the problem. There is a cancer on the electorate.

  3. Nancy Willing says:

    Meanwhile, those Republicans…..

    “Senate Democrats issued stark warnings on Wednesday that Republicans would severely damage the institution of Congress if they acquiesced to a push from Trump allies to haul former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter for testimony about their actions in Ukraine.

    A top Biden ally, Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE), told The Daily Beast that calling the 2020 presidential contender—who served for 35 years in the Senate—and his son for testimony “would be literally rolling a grenade down the aisle of the Senate” that would have “lasting consequences” on the upper chamber’s ability to work together.

    “Look, Joe Biden is well known, widely respected, and frankly beloved by many in the Senate on both sides of the aisle,” said Coons. “The impeachment process is already disruptive enough. I think we should be approaching it with seriousness, not by entertaining conspiracy theories that are utterly unfounded. And I think it would be a very unfortunate move.””

    • Jason330 says:

      Wow. Republicans might impair the upper chamber’s ability to work together. That would be shocking.

    • Jason330 says:

      Coons sounds like a glitchy chat-bot at this point.

    • Alby says:

      I can’t decide which phrase is more embarrassing, “literally rolling a grenade” or “frankly beloved.”

      • RE Vanella says:

        Pedants always bemoan the literally usage. But for me, frankly beloved is 10/10.

        He felt the need to emphasize he was being sincere and direct. He wasn’t joking or anything. They adore him. They think he’s a righteous dude!

        I think we’re going primary Chris Coons.

        • Alby says:

          It’s not just the “literally.” You also don’t “roll” a grenade.

          • mediawatch says:

            What the hell else should we expect from a bearded Marxist with no military experience?

            • RE Vanella says:

              Bearded Marxist who wasn’t ever part of the American military killing machine?

              Who dis? 😉

              *I think you can roll a grenade!*

              • Alby says:

                You forget that many Boomers were drafted into that killing machine whether they wanted to be or not.

                The world you were born into is not the same as the one we were.

              • RE Vanella says:

                Fair point.

                Also, question. If I “tossed” a grenade underhanded and along the ground did I “roll” it?

                Just wondering. When the revolution begins I want to use the property terminology. Like real troop!

              • Alby says:

                I just thought the language was odd. You toss or throw a grenade. You roll a bowling ball.

  4. puck says:

    No worries. When the beloved Joe Biden testifies, Republican senators will have an epiphany.

  5. Arthur says:

    Joe is beloved. havent you ever seen him slurping ice cream at woodside or eating pasta at mama robinos. all the waitresses love his hugs