Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Thurs., Nov. 7, 2019

Does Even Barr Have His Limits?  If he does, my guess is that his limit is that he’s not going to jail for this guy.  Not that he isn’t still in the bag for Trump, though. As to Trump, there is no limit to his crimes.

Sanders Releases Comprehensive Immigration Plan. Calls for the breakup of ICE and CBP.  It’s a great plan, IMO.

Won’t Anybody Befriend Poor DonaldHe’s all alone by choice. Even Rethugs think that’s a mistake. Needs to get out more.  Which reminds me.

Teachers Were Big Winners On Tuesday.  One of the most encouraging aspects of Election Night.

How Can A Democracy Succeed With So Much Voter Suppression?  It can’t. Which is why Rethugs do everything they can to use every slimy voter suppression tactic they can.

Minquadale Landfill Has Exceeded Air Emissions Limits For Over A Year.  Where the fuck is Carney? Where the fuck is DNREC? Carney may not believe in environmental racism, but his actions consistently demonstrate that he supports policies that promote environmental racism, which is the same as being in thrall to everything the Chamber wants. Meaning, as if this wasn’t obvious, he’s not a Democrat.

What do you want to talk about?


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