Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Friday, Nov. 8, 2019

Bloomberg Enters Race.  Let’s cut to the chase. Biden is leaking oil and whatever his Depends can’t contain, and the corporate D’s are petrified. Bloomberg, of course, has no chance. Just ask yourselves who is going to vote for him. I can’t think of anybody. But if Biden’s corporate supporters call a time out, he’s SOC (shit outta cash). If the D electorate really wanted a moderate who is just a moderate by temperament, they’d be flocking to someone like Amy Klobuchar. But this is all about the donors trying to protect their ill-gotten billions, and Biden isn’t cutting it. Rest easy: The D’s aren’t nominating a mega-billionaire who wasn’t even a D until it became convenient for him. The only people who consider him viable are/were the panelists on Morning Joe. I clicked on for 10 seconds, then clicked off.

Here’s One More Reason Why Billionaires Are So Unpopular.  They steal money earmarked to help the poor.

House Rethugs To Throw Giuliani, Sondland And Mulvaney Under The Bus?  In order to insulate Trump?  How is that gonna work, exactly?  These guys were rogues who were operating against Trump’s wishes?  Back to the drawing board…

Anonymous: ‘He’s Even Worse Than We Thought’.  At least second graders have curiosity.

D’s Virginia Wins Could Threaten Huge Soulless Utility.  Dominion Energy.  Why the fuck can’t Delaware Democrats behave like Democrats when D’s in a relatively conservative state like Virginia have no compunction in doing so? Shake off your Chamber shackles before we do it for you. Actually, we’ve started.

City Council Still Dysfunctional: At Least When It Comes To A Police Class.  Shabazz vs. Guy-Battle of the Lilliputians. Not too impressed with that Trippi Congo, either.

What do you want to talk about?

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