Highlands Bunker – A Bit of Rebellion

Filed in National by on November 8, 2019

Ed Note: Awesome from begining to end. A little crackle around minute 26, but it goes away quickly. No biggie.  If you aren’t doing so yet, support this with a patronage. 

Senator Chris Coons (D-Highlands) believes that Americans shouldn’t protest in certain ways. Professor Harvey J Kaye joins RE Vanella in the bunker to talk about the proud American tradition of radicalism, and why real change will mean not playing by the rules that people like Coons put in place.

Show Notes:

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (5)

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    Yeah, for some reason one of the mics gets scratchy when it’s both an input (being recorded) and an output (to the guest’s Skype). There’s software in place to set this up, but somewhere along the line we’re getting interference. It’s inconsistent so we’re having trouble pinpointing the issue.

    Karl did good work to keep it to a minimum and we didn’t think it had a material impact to the piece as a whole.

    Professor Kaye though. Right?

    Also, we can make the next round of technical upgrades with your help. Like Jason mentioned, consider a patronage. We have another high profile national guest scheduled in 2 weeks. Maybe if a few of you become patrons today I’ll tell you who it is!

  2. RE Vanella says:

    The other important lesson that Professor Kaye teaches us.

    Not all Boomers!

  3. RE Vanella says:

    Folks, it’s happening today, I think.

    Lula Livre

  4. RE Vanella says:


    He’s out. Lula is free.

    As Brooks said, huge global win versus fascism and capital and the CIA and the Davos set.

    All this talk about bearded Marxists and grenades. And Corbyn by Christmas!

    Lebanon (Google it)
    Baghdad (Google it)
    UAW and Teachers strikes

    It’s not fake news or anything. Worldwide fight back. Join up. For the many not the few, &c.

    It brings me great pleasure to report this.