DL Open Thread: Mon., Nov. 18, 2019

Filed in Featured by on November 18, 2019

JESSICA SCARANE ANNOUNCES!  And what an announcement it is:

Jessica Scarane for U.S. Senate 2020

My name is Jess Scarane, and I’m a Democrat running to represent Delaware in the United States Senate.

For years I’ve tried to work within our broken system to make our city and state better. I joined the board and became president of Girls Inc. of Delaware, a nonprofit organization that provides in-school and after school programming for girls in under-resourced communities. As board president, I advocate for state laws that will protect girls’ rights, because this world is not an easy place for a child to grow.

The injustices these kids face make it even harder. They need leaders who are looking out for them. That became even more apparent to me when one of our girls unexpectedly lost her mom this year, leaving only her grandmother to take care of her. I find myself waking up in the morning worried about that girl.

I worry she won’t be able to go to the doctor if she’s sick or attend a school that provides the resources she needs. Will she have a safe and affordable roof over her head every night? Will rising sea levels flood her neighborhood in her lifetime? How much harder will her life be now?

And maybe most importantly—who is fighting for her?

Senator Coons isn’t. Maybe it’s because he’s too busy working with Donald Trump and the Republicans to protect predatory corporations at the expense of ordinary people. Maybe he genuinely believes in the agendas of his Wall Street and Big Pharma donors. Maybe he accepts our country’s massive racial and wealth inequality because he benefits from the current system.

Whatever the reason, his actions are hurting Delawareans like us who just want a roof over our heads, healthcare, a living wage, and a healthy environment. There’s no excuse for compromising away a better future to protect the status quo.

Delaware deserves better, and that’s why I’m running. I will listen to all Delawareans, not just the wealthy few or the political elites or the corporations. We need to lead on a Green New Deal and Medicare for All. We need real economic justice, and we need to hold true to our values as Democrats.

I’m asking you to join my campaign. Can you become part of this movement? Grassroots donors like you make our party strong—so donate here today!

In solidarity,
– Jess

Bloomberg: I Was Wrong About ‘Stop And Frisk’.  Oligarchs have no understanding what it means to be an ordinary citizen. And they don’t care as long as they reap political benefit from it.  Kinda like Chris Coons.

Trump Attacks Pence Aide.  Pence, of course, doesn’t defend her.  More evidence of Trump losing it:

Tell Jennifer Williams, whoever that is, to read BOTH transcripts of the presidential calls, & see the just released ststement from Ukraine. Then she should meet with the other Never Trumpers, who I don’t know & mostly never even heard of, & work out a better presidential attack!

The President of the United States.

Soledad O’Brien Tells It Like It Is.   I agree with everything she says here. Especially about the names she shames.

Virginia D’s Won On Gun Control. Delaware D’s run from it.  The feckless Delaware D leadership is so out of touch it’s pathetic. Carney and McBride in particular.  BTW. Dave, that’s some house you have there in Lewes. Tarpon Drive. You’ve really moved up in the world since your Wilton days. Are you thinking of selling it and moving back to your district? I’d be happy to post it here as long as I get a small commission from the sale. Might just do it anyway…

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. jason330 says:

    And maybe most importantly—who is fighting for her?

    Senator Coons isn’t. Maybe it’s because he’s too busy working with Donald Trump and the Republicans to protect predatory corporations at the expense of ordinary people. Maybe he genuinely believes in the agendas of his Wall Street and Big Pharma donors. Maybe he accepts our country’s massive racial and wealth inequality because he benefits from the current system.

    Whatever the reason, his actions are hurting Delawareans like us who just want a roof over our heads, healthcare, a living wage, and a healthy environment. There’s no excuse for compromising away a better future to protect the status quo.

    Fuck yeah!!

  2. ben says:

    She already has my vote.
    All aboard the Scarane Train. (apologies if that is incorrect pronunciation)

  3. RE Vanella says:

    It is indeed the “Americanized” pronouncation. Rhymes with C Train, Penny Lane…

  4. Alby says:

    That fiction about the coup in Bolivia being a “populist” uprising is getting harder and harder to maintain:


  5. ben says:

    It’s important to note that Chris Coon’s biggest accomplishment is NOT being as corrupt as Gordon.
    that’s it. Beating O’Donnell is hardly a win. He’s kind of pathetic for not winning by more than he did.

    He’s a mean, smarmy little weasel who, remember, LOVES it when the IDF turns Palestinian children into ashes.

    Jess(is she ok with jess?)orBust

  6. Nancy Willing says:

    Jeez, no wonder Dave McBride is so tan.

    Gils Neck appears to be enfringing on the precious state park. It takes a google map like this to recognize how fragile the land is around there.


  7. Alby says:

    This article demonstrates that Democrats, as a group, are on a unicorn hunt — majorities say both that they want someone “more moderate than most Democrats” who “promises to find common ground” while also delivering “fundamental systemic change to American society.”


    My read (check the graphic at the top of the link) is that a majority of Democrats want change, but about 10% of them are afraid other people won’t vote for it. In fact, that’s the theme I keep running up against in discussions with Biden backers.

  8. Alby says:

    Another Walmart shooting, this one in Duncan, Okla. The state just passed a law allowing open carry without a license.

    Why Walmart? Are these people under the impression it’s a high school?

  9. RE Vanella says:

    Jess or bust. It’s good.

  10. RSE says:

    This past storm probably washed all the $8.2 million sand that they pumped onto the beach, miles to the south.

    “DNREC said calmer conditions and gentler waves always move sand back onto the beach.” http://www.wboc.com/story/41336133/coastal-storm-impacts-in-rehoboth-beach?fbclid=IwAR3O_GM5KVtzDJpaLAR7KCNP5db9H0hxgcmaI10F2mYiw1z9YWPWGEuQ2ss

    Exactly…That’s why it’s pointless to pump sand onto the beach, but if it makes them feel better doing it this way, at least they should pump it in the spring or early summer….That $8.2 million that they gambled away could have helped many people.

  11. Luis says:

    Coons needs to go his comments on race where disgusting. All he has done is fight for his corporate donors. My family will vote for her.