UPDATED: Say “Yes!” to Jess …and DL will match any pledge you make today

Filed in National by on November 18, 2019

I’m sick of talking about how Coons is no moderate when it comes to negotiating with Republicans from a position of weakness. I’m fed up with reporting on how he is constantly supporting millionaires and big banks over Delawareans. That’s why I’m please to say that we now have a way to work for positive change that doesn’t involve constantly pointing out that Coons puts his loyalty to the National Prayer Breakfast above his loyalty to Delawareans.

Read up on Jessica Scarane, and make a pledge in the comments to support her campaign and when the pledged donations hit $200, I’m putting in my $200 so your contribution will be instantly matched.

Go to Jessfordelaware.com to get started.

I’m running to fight the broken system of power that rewards an elite few at the expense of the majority of us. We face big, structural problems in this state and country: prohibitively expensive healthcare, segregated and underfunded schools, scarcity of affordable housing, and looming climate catastrophe. In order to tackle these issues, we need elected officials who will take power back from corporations and return it to the people.

I’d love to match 40 pledges of $5.00 because you know the average Coons donation from the bloated plutocrats that love him are going to be the max. The good news is that the bloated plutocrats that comprise Coons’ base are not Delawareans or Democrats, so they are twice ineligible to vote in the primary.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (38)

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  1. Alby says:

    Just gave $50.

  2. Lurker says:

    Coons 65- someone trying to make a name for themselves 35.

    Screen shot this for Sep 16 2020

    Its a guarantee

    • Alby says:

      You know who goes around making predictions? People with nothing intelligent to say. That sounds like you.

      Even if it comes true, it doesn’t make you smart. You’ll never be that.

      You know who was a 30-something with no business running in a Senate primary and was sure to lose? Christine O’Donnell, smart boy.

      If she didn’t scare you, you wouldn’t bother commenting.

      • Lurker says:

        KEH…..how that work out?

        • Alby says:

          If I have to explain it to you, you wouldn’t be smart enough to understand it. It’s been written about here for months.

          If your only understanding of the game is the final score, you’re not worth discussing the game with. No offense, dude, but you’ve got nothing to offer. Either learn to discuss intelligently or go away.

          Unless I’ve missed a comment somewhere, your contribution is basically the same as that kid on The Simpsons who’s only there to go “Nyah, nyah!” The difference being that you’re not funny.

          • Lurker says:

            Alby wipe the Cheetos of your belly for a moment. You wingnuts forget that you have to appeal to Democrats outside this site and In places like ummm Sussex Kent and Lower new castle county. These are very did type of dems. I know a few in Kent who are dems but also in the NRa. You can make all the Booomer jokes you want but with advances in medicine and health they will be voting for the next 20 years or so. A 34 “Wilmingtonian” won’t play. Not to mention Medicare for all as we learned in this presidential primary isn’t that popular with the base

            • jason330 says:

              I sense the nervousness.

            • Alby says:

              So you think that a Democrat should cater to the 117,723 registered Kent and Sussex Democrats rather than the 219,578 in New Castle County — nearly twice the downstate total. And NCCo south of the canal doesn’t really close the gap much.

              If that’s who Chris Coons is counting on — and I know beach-area Democrats who are well to the left of anyone in Wilmington — he ought to resign for a CNN job now.

              You assholes forget that you don’t know shit from shinola.

              • Lurker says:

                Please please keep this elitist attitude up..

                Its how we thrashed you by 30 points when you took a shot at Carper. I could go on about all the Union type Democrats in places like Newport and Elmsmere are against medicare for all but rather watch you sink to 2 sound defeats. What will be the excuse then? Delicious

              • Alby says:

                “We”? You really are a piece of shit. As I said, and you didn’t understand, if all you can do is cite the final score, you don’t understand the game.

                Jason, time to flush.

              • ben says:

                Calling someone who ISNT GOP/Pharma gimp-boy elitist. you boomers are terrified. delicious

              • Alby says:

                And, as usual, you wouldn’t be here at all if you weren’t scared shitless that your days of pretending you’re a Democrat because you belong to a union are up.

                Some of us are too experienced to think organized labor is our friend. They’re selfish pricks out for themselves, as their fear of M4A demonstrates yet again.

            • meatball says:

              lol, what? Conservative dems? What the hell is that?

    • jason330 says:

      I’ve got $5.00 that says you are all wet.

  3. paul says:


  4. RE Vanella says:

    Lurker is extremely astute. I will fight anyone punching down on an obviously troubled dude.

    Jess for Senate. Chris Coons fucking sucks.

  5. John Kowalko says:

    Original comment 10/10/19, seems like a lifetime ago???

    The power-brokers, corporatist apologists and billionaire self-interests, aided and abetted by their political dependents have continued their journey to capture all of the power and money they can accumulate regardless of the costs in human lives while abandoning any sense of humanity they may have once felt. This sociopathic narcissist we have representing the most powerful office in the world, and his Neanderthal-thinking supporters are plunging the world headlong into an apocalyptic world of inhumanity. These supporters/enablers are not limited to the Grahams, Jordans, and McCarthys of the political world. As long as Senator Coons cannot decide/declare that this aberration of a president is unfit to continue to serve I will not support any election bid that Sen. Coons pursues and will view him as an enabler and abettor of a criminal.

    Representative John Kowalko

  6. Hop-Frog says:

    I’m in for $25, El Som.

  7. Arthur says:

    she cute, ill vote for her

  8. Mourning Joe says:

    In for 50.

  9. Don Peterson says:

    I’m in for 50. Go Jess!

  10. AintTheSame says:

    I’m not certain Scarane will win and actually doubt she will (and assume she probably knows she won’t, or that it will be extraordinarily difficult).

    BUT, you can’t compare this with KEH and Carper.

    For one thing, Carper – for all of his faults – is much more popular than Coons. Name ID is higher, positives are higher across the board. Due in large part to just being around so long but also, again, people genuinely like him and his retail is good. Coons just does not engender the same feelings.

    Second thing, this lady is not KEH. For all of the reasons.

    Should be interesting!

    • Jason330 says:

      The erroneous comparison I’m waiting for is Scarene likened to Christine O’Donnell. If Coons goes there, I swear, I will laugh my ass off.

      • ben says:

        Coons will be 100% incapable of attacking her without being a dismissive, and probably, sexist prick. Maybe he should take a lesson from Ol Joe and call her “Child” to her face. That’ll play well.

        • jason330 says:

          Agreed, and btw when it happens so many national progressive orgs are going to have the knives out for Coons.

          His umittigated bullshit has left a lot of people, not just in Delaware, pining for a primary.

  11. Alby says:

    Delaware is essentially represented in Congress by two moderate Republicans. There are none of those left in the Republican Party, but that’s who Delaware’s “Democrats” are most comfortable with.

    Coons is a rich kid, so it’s understandable. Carper is just a dumbuck from West Virginia who’s a self-made moderately rich asshole. Like Biden, he’s managed to take a career in “public service” and enrich himself in the process.

    The days of the Chamber of Commerce running the state no matter which party is in power are numbered. I don’t know the number, and neither does anyone else, but at some point in the not-distant future Delaware is not going to look like it does today.

    Once real Democrats get enough power in Washington, I believe the days of states chartering corporations will come to a close — and if not, then all states will be forced to meet certain minimum requirements, such as keeping a record of a company’s actual owners — and Delawareans will, for the first time since 1899, have to pay for their own public services instead of raising money by giving money launderers and other criminals carte blanche.