DL Open Thread: Fri., Nov. 22, 2019

Filed in Featured by on November 22, 2019

Friday, November 22, 1963:  A Date Which Will Live In Infamy.  What is lost in the history of the event is the way that it traumatized so many.  The assassination of President Kennedy has been with me and my contemporaries since the event happened. An event that has informed and changed our lives. Which is why I had that underlying fear throughout the Obama Presidency that he would be assassinated.

Bibi Indicted.  Carefully read just what he’s being charged with. Does it remind you of anybody?

‘The Evidence Is All There’Meanwhile, in Bizarro World, Lindsey Graham…:  I’m fast reaching the point where I don’t believe this country can be put back together.

31(!) Ways That Trump Has Rolled Back Rights For LGBTQ People.  Which reminds me, are there any Log Cabin Republicans left?

Zuckerberg’s Transactionalism In Plain Sight.  Facebook must be broken up.

Whose Electron IS It, Anyway?  Sussex County residents decry ‘secrecy’ in wind farm deliberations. Welcome to Delaware, folks, where secrecy is what drives the economic engine.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. jason330 says:

    “I’m fast reaching the point where I don’t believe this country can be put back together.”

    Word. There is a large minority (38%) that wants the country broken.

    An aside: Unity being more profitable that fracture, I always thought that “the market” would find it in thier financial best imterest to punish Fox News and the Fox News zombies. So much for that theory.

  2. paul says:

    i was 12 November 22, 1963. I had been all about the young president. I reveled in the Vaughn Meader parodies that made the Kennedys real. “I want a dove under glass sandewich.” “Chicken salad on white for the general”, Meader replied slyly. On the occasion of my mother’s passing and house sale, I found and recovered that album from my mother’s house. On the day of the murder, I was in middle school, in class. The news was devastating and put me in a depression for a long time. The end of my generation’s innocence. And the country turning toward the darkness of Viet Nam and Nixon.