DL Readers & Lurkers Presidential Instant-runoff Voting

Filed in National by on November 22, 2019

The sidebar poll doesn’t reveal much, so put your top three choices in the comments section and we’ll run an “Instant-runoff voting” poll. (e.g. Biden, Klobuchar, Buttigieg)

Ballots will be initially counted for each commenter’s top choice. If a candidate has more than half of the vote based on first-choices, that candidate wins.

If not, then the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated. The commenters who selected the defeated candidate as a first choice will have their votes added to the totals of their next choice.

This process will continue until a candidate has more than half of the votes.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (53)

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    1. Warren
    2. Buttigieg
    3. Harris

  2. 1. Warren.
    2. Bernie.
    3. Booker.

  3. jason330 says:


  4. RE Vanella says:

    Mayo Pete stan’s now, I see I love this. Yukubian confusion.

    At least El Som knows better.

  5. ben says:


  6. Alby says:


    Bottom three: Biden, Buttigieg, Klobuchar

  7. RE Vanella says:

    This is getting better. Thank you

  8. RE Vanella says:

    Put me down for Bernie 3x

  9. xyz says:

    1) Bernard
    2) Little Pete
    3) Lieawatha

    • Alby says:

      Can you even vote in the real primary? Not that it matters, Biden will get 75% in Delaware.

      You’re pretty deep in the wingnutosphere if you’re using “Lieawatha.” Why do you people obsess over every Democratic fuckup if you’re willing to ignore all the Republican up-fucking?

  10. paul says:

    Pete reminds me of Macron, both in stature and politics.

  11. paul says:


  12. paul says:

    Biden thinks we need to study cannabis. Hardening of the brain’s arteries.
    Booker betrays public education
    Harris misled us when she jumped Biden, failing to point out that her busing was voluntary. Big exclusion.
    Pete B height, 5’8″ is perceived by many as small. Markel was small. Now I dislike small, you know, little man syndrome. I think he’s wrapped too tight.
    No billionaires.
    Gabbard was destroyed by Clinton.
    Klobuchar is perceived as having little backbone
    Williamson appears to be completely tone deaf
    Bullock is from outer butt-f*ck.
    Yang is an amateur.
    Duval Patrick is too new
    The rest have not raised any blips.
    Who did I leave out?

    • Alby says:

      After Warren and Sanders, it’s a matter of who’s easiest to hold your nose and vote for.

      Actually, Pete is the one without a backbone. He was for Medicare for All until it was better to be against it. How much fight do you think he’ll put up, considering his corporate background as a McKinsey alum? I didn’t like Bill Clinton the first time around, I see no need for a re-do.

  13. nathan arizona says:


  14. ben says:

    the criticism of MAYOR PETE as “small” is lazy and dumb.
    there is so much else he can be criticized for.

    • paul says:

      You are right Ben. It my laziness that is the issue. But. People vote on visceral readings of the candidate. Height, weight, which side hair is parted on, skin texture. People as a rule are not drawn to small. Small men must work harder to get attention. Did you ever ask yourself why Pete is so accomplished? I wonder to what extent Pete is driven, because driven people make mistakes. And how do they react when mistakes are pointed out to them. The remedy for this kind of driven personality is experience. I wish Pete had more political experience. Some as young as he might succumb to any of a million bits of information that come his way. When I think of which Dem would do best against Putin, there is only one answer, Biden.

  15. RE Vanella says:

    Probably a good time to re-up on this.


    This new-fangled mayo-brain idea is very entertaining though. I actually thinks it’s the most telling of the picks. Says a lot… and it’s all extremely funny.

    On a brief programming note, the author of this essay (who’s also the editor of Current Affairs) Nathan J Robinson, will be featured on the podcast in two weeks time.

    Recorded a great chat Wednesday on his most recent book ‘Why You Should Be a Socialist.’

  16. nathan arizona says:

    Not surprised the author of your link wrote ‘Why You Should Be a Socialist.” Predictable stuff. Or that he’ll be on your podcast. Besides, the link is so old it has Buttigieg running third in Iowa. Now, of course, he’s mostly No. 1.

    • RE Vanella says:

      Yeah because surging in a subset of Iowa polling is exactly what I’m looking for in a candidate. It’s at the top of my list! Lol.

      All you did was tell me why it’s funny. I already know funny part!

      • Alby says:

        Also ahead in New Hampshire. These states should no longer matter, but the legacy media will keep this misleading tradition alive as long as they can.

    • Alby says:

      Dude, it’s based on his campaign-season autobiography. Is he switching positions so fast now that it no longer applies?

      • RE Vanella says:

        The author is a socialist and it was written in March! Irrelevant! Iowa polling!

        • Alby says:

          Sorry, I’m going with the too-convenient flip-flopping, which plays right into the Robinson argument that Pete purposely offers no specifics. Obama ran on that con. Fool me twice, shame on me.

  17. RE Vanella says:

    That would be a great Mayo Pete slogan. After that fucking stupid dance… I’m mostly #1 in Iowa!¹

    ¹NB. This renders irrelevant all the shitty politics and McKinsey experience I’ve ever had. Only after labor day 2019 counts!

  18. Jason330 says:

    Well, no runoff was required. Elizabeth Warren was the first choice of 6 out of 9 voters. So DL is for Warren.

    Of the people who voted for Warren, most (4 of 6) liked Bernie second and two liked Mayor Pete as a second choice.

    This highly scientific experimient tells me that Warren will prob win the nomination..

  19. nathan arizona says:

    Just stating a fact (re: Iowa polls). Not saying it’s earth-shattering, but it does show a move upward.

  20. RE Vanella says:

    The point is Buttigieg was nobody’s first choice. He proposes nothing. Gets horrible press on the Douglass Plan and fake endorsements for it. Bad record as mayor. Police racist scandal. Then get’s good media re: some polls. Now’s he’s a first choice! Hahahaha. It’s awesome.

  21. nathan arizona says:

    Should be “gets.” President Pete will discourage the careless use of apostrophes.

  22. jason330 says:

    Pete is custome made for people I know like Mrs Liberal and Uncle Liberal – and REV doesn’t like it but the nation is chock-a-block with people like Mrs Liberal and Uncle Liberal.

    Also – We are all voting for the eventual nominee.

    • RE Vanella says:

      Nation is also stocked with disenfranchised folks, cynical working class folks, folks who’ve given up.

      They won’t be voting for Mayo Pete.

      I’ll stand in solidarity with them. And I think we can organize and energize more of them. Maybe not this time but sometime.

      So it’s not necessarily that I don’t like it. I accept it. I have different values though. We’re going to do it with or without them.

      Because pandering to them is what got us here. So…

      After 2 terms of Buttigieg we get Tom Cotton. I’m not interested in that.

  23. paul says:

    We should be factoring that Putin will be a factor. He’s igniting a new cold war. Who will be best positioned to deal with a clandestine resurgent Russia?