Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Sun., Nov. 24, 2019

President Wines And Dines Impeachment Jurors.  At the taxpayers’ expense, no less. Backwards reels the mind.

Navy Vs. Trump Over Fate Of Rogue Officer.  Guess which side Trump is on. Why is he even involved in this? Other than for the destruction of institutions, I mean.

Nunes Faces Ethics Investigation.  Giuliani admits Nunes/Ukraine meeting, but claims that nothing untoward went down.  I guess that’s the final word.

The Coal Industry ‘Knew’–Since 1966.  Thankfully, we have ‘clean coal’ to look forward to…

Rethugs’ Six Key Impeachment Lies.  The motto for the Republican Party has become ‘Tell the big lie often enough, and it becomes the truth.’  Doesn’t hurt to have Fox News and the AM-dial bellicose bellcows (you’re welcome) repeating it 24/7.

What do you want to talk about?

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