Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Mon., Nov. 25, 2019

It’s Not The Crime–It’s The Crime AND The Coverup.  E-mails show that the Trump Administration scrambled to figure out a post-delay justification for their actions. Their blatant criminality is rivaled only by the blatant criminality of the Rethuglican Party, a party that has been transformed into a criminal entity to maintain power.

Why Rudy Chose Lev And Igor (Not EEgor, It’s EYEgor) To Do His Dirty Work. Man, it’s as seamy as it gets. 

Defense Secretary Fires Secretary Of The Navy Because–Trump.  Even among his monumental fuck-ups, this is one of Trump’s most monumental.  Let’s see, destroying military ‘good order’ benefits who, exactly? All roads lead to Russia.

How Trump Built His Wall Without Building His Wall.  Must-reading on how The, OK, I’ll say it, Deplorables, built a paper wall to keep immigrants out.

Progressives Challenge D Incumbents Who Favor AIPAC Positions.  Might as well add Scarane vs. Coons to this list.  Except, pretty much the entirety of Coons’ record is fodder for a progressive challenger.

Moscow Mitch’s Opposition To Election Security Threatens–Kentucky.  Redundant but true–all roads lead to Moscow.

What do you want to talk about?

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