Hunter & Tucker

Filed in National by on November 26, 2019

Tucker Carlson disclosed that he knows and likes Hunter Biden, which is very damning evidence of Hunter Biden’s low character. Worse than anything I’ve heard so far. And unlike most things Carlson says, it is totally believable. Dem and Republican elites have much more in common with each other than they have with us. Hunter has probably shared many lovely evenings eating canapés and drinking cocktails with Tucker Carlson.

TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): We do care about the substance of it. And the substance of it is that Trump, for all of his sins – and I’ll concede some of them – has never taken close to a million dollars a year from Ukrainian energy company to do nothing because his dad is the vice president. So, Hunter Biden did. Now, I know Hunter Biden, I actually like Hunter Biden, but that’s totally corrupt and you know it. Why is it worse to ask about it than do it? 

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    Our ambassador to the EU was a hotelier who gave $1,000,000 to the Trump inauguration slush fund.

    We could go back and forth on this all day.

    • Alby says:

      There is no back and forth. It’s wrong no matter who does it, and members of both parties do it. Everyone who isn’t a hopeless partisan knows this whether they admit it or not.

      • jason330 says:

        Yeah. It is hard to defend Hunter on his patronage income* on any grounds other than pure partisanship. [Funny how the elites appear to hate dirty partisanship until they need to hide behind a partisan barricade.]

        *Whatever Hunter was making, I’m sure the “nearly a million dollars a year” figure was pulled directly from Carlson’s ass.

        • Alby says:

          Agreed. Everything I’ve seen said it was $100,000 before Tucker’s Dr. Evil inflation.

          And if he wants to start slagging people who make money for nothing, he ought to start in his bathroom mirror.

          • Alby says:

            Hadn’t seen the Daily Mail report before I typed that, but I do note the story at the link says Hunter received the payments for 18 months, while it also says he was on the board for five years. The information also comes from unnamed sources, so we don’t know if that’s the sound of an axe-grinder in the background.

  2. RE Vanella says:

    Too quick things. I think anyone who knows me knows well enough that I would never defend a Biden.

    Also, Tucker Carlson is the heir to the Swanson TV dinner fortune. Nothing says hoarding capital you didn’t earn off your family name than inherited wealth.

    I’m not big on jumping up and down yelling HYPOCRITE! but this one is particularly rich.

    • Alby says:

      Well, then, that’s my last Swanson TV dinner. Of course, it’s hard to boycott something you would never buy in the first place.

      I think too many Democrats ignore the fact that RWNJs see the same things. Of course, electing the biggest crook of them all is no solution, but that’s what you get when morons try to think. The reality is they think all politicians are this crooked, so they have no problem with electing the biggest crook of them all. In their eyes, he’s the only one being honest about ripping off the system for all he can.

  3. RE Vanella says:

    All corporate boards have honorary members skating on other connections and family name. It’s horrible. One candidate understands this and wants to actually fight it. So if you’re mad about it please donate $27 to Bernard Sanders for president.

  4. RE Vanella says:

    wE dOn’t LikE tHe biDdeNs oR ThE cLiNtonS EitHeR ⏩⏩🙂)))🙃(((🙂)))🙃(((🙂

    Saaaammmmeeeee reasoooonnnnssssssss

  5. John Kowalko says:

    Tucker Carlson is the perfect incestuous melding of a subhuman species with the psychotic imaginings of a failed science fiction writer of little renown who has stopped taking his meds and has slipped into a hallucinogenic trance. The “artificial” and aberrant intelligence he infects all Republicans with requires more than a simple enema flush. Every “American or pseudo-American, every self-proclaiming “patriot”, every “Constitution” shredder and every self-preserving politician (D. or R.) who refuses to acknowledge that the addled Orangeman occupying the Whitehouse is not, as we speak, selling out America to Putin and the Russian oligarchs in an obvious and deliberate act of treason should be prosecuted as co-conspirators in that treasonous cabal of evil.

    • RE Vanella says:

      Rep Kowalko.

      With all due respect, now is time to endorse.

      All this shit talking is great. I love it to be honest. But we need electoral solidarity now. We can’t wait.

      Jess Scarane
      Larry Lambert
      Eric Morrison

      This professional courtesy extended to your caucus colleagues is admirable. Unearned though.

      Now’s the time