Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Mon., Dec. 2, 2019

Trump Announces Surprise Tariffs.  On steel and aluminum from Brazil and Argentina. Kinda surprising b/c Trump has been best buds w/Bolsonaro. Looks like the price of coffee and malbec is going up…

How The Opioid Crisis Devastated The Class Of 2000 Of Minford High.  This depresses me beyond words:

The Minford High School Class of 2000, in rural Minford, Ohio, began its freshman year as a typical class. It had its jocks and its cheerleaders, its slackers and its overachievers.

But by the time the group entered its final year, its members said, painkillers were nearly ubiquitous, found in classrooms, school bathrooms and at weekend parties.

Over the next decade, Scioto County, which includes Minford, would become ground zero in the state’s fight against opioids. It would lead Ohio with its rates of fatal drug overdoses, drug-related incarcerations and babies born with neonatal abstinence syndrome.

To understand both the scope and the devastating consequences of what is now a public health crisis, we talked to dozens of members of the Class of 2000. Many opened up to us about struggles with addiction, whether their own or their relatives’. They told us about the years lost to getting high and in cycling in and out of jail, prison and rehab. They mourned the three classmates whose addictions killed them.

Two D’s End Presidential Campaigns.  Steve Bullock and Joe Sestak (seriously, what’s with that Joe Sestak? He’s kinda like PA’s answer to Dennis E. Williams. He just has to run for something every cycle.)

White House Blows Off First Set Of Impeachment Hearings.  Did anybody expect a different response?

The Second Act Of Lisa Page.  She’s remained silent while Trump has trashed her for years. That’s about to change. I look forward to it.

Sex Offenders Can Troll Tinder For Matches All They Want.  I’m sure that they’re ‘self-regulating’ though…

How Biden (And Carper) Helped Create The Student Loan Crisis.  They jumped onto a Rethug bill to consign at least a generation of students to onerous debt. A case study in why bipartisanship sucks.

The Upcoming Wilmington I-95 Project.  First year doesn’t look so bad–mostly sign and guardrail replacement. 2021, OTOH, doesn’t look so good:

Following its completion, DelDOT in 2021 expects to embark on a massive reconstruction of I-95’s bridges, ramps and pavement through Wilmington.

At times, half of the highway will close on the critical Northeast Corridor link, forcing both directions of vehicles into a single side.  

Because of its sheer size — extending from I-495 to the Brandywine bridge — the project likely will become Delaware’s biggest congestion-causing construction ever. Its effects could extend throughout the city and, during the toughest commuting times, up and down the regional corridor. 

I’ve already identified alternative routes to Domaine Hudson, Kreston’s and Moore Brothers…

What do you want to talk about?

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