Substandard Open Thread by Jason330

Filed in National by on December 6, 2019

Only socialism can save capitalism. I hate to break this news to socialist and capitalist alike. Anyway, listen and give yourself the gift of a patronage this year. It is less than you spend on automated red light tickets. Also take the sidebar poll today. ->

“Fightin’ Joe” getting raves. I say he didn’t go far enough. Calling a Fox News viewer a fat idiot is a good start though.

When your neighborhood is being gentrified by bears, you know the forces of gentrification are getting serious.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (19)

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  1. Alby says:

    On the other hand, is there anything more pathetic than an old fart challenging someone to a pushup contest? I’m not worried about your body, Joe, but your deteriorating brain.

  2. RE Vanella says:

    “It is easier to imagine an end to the world than an end to capitalism.”
    –Fredric Jameson

    Thanks for the link. We would greatly appreciate a patronage to our little thing this Christmas. All established patrons will be given a very special dispensation when we kickoff our next venture in 2020.

    Last thing, I believe the Biden interlocutor was actually a Warren supporter. He even mentions MSNBC. Double check me though.

  3. RE Vanella says:

    We’re very close to booking the bear on the next podcast. We love our bear. Long live Delabear.

  4. Complete says:

    I’m not a big Biden guy but I loved him take down of some fat trump plant. Credit where credit is due

  5. RE Vanella says:

    Can we get some ideas behind what ‘Fiscally Conservative Democrats” are? What do they think?!

    Just general flavors?

    A.) Michael Bloomberg officiated a gay wedding type?

    B.) John McCain is a good man type?

    C.) Mitt Romney is a good man types?

    D.) How are we going to pay for it types?

    E.) People at Davos are good type?

    F )

    G.) I’ll vote for Trump over Bernie types? (Heard this one just this week. Liberal guy… works at hedge fund.. True Story!)

    H.) We need to allow money laundering for commerce types?

    Come clean!

    • RE Vanella says:

      F is a fill-in the blank. Something we are not supposed to call neoliberal anymore because that label is associated with losing. Same ideas new brand?

      • jason330 says:

        I like that one lurker was honest enough to go with, Fox News Zombie Dumbfuck.

        Honest Fox News Zombie Dumbfucks are few and far between.

        • Dana says:

          Well, given that all of the other choices (except Socialist) included the word “Democrat”, I went ahead and chose Fox News Zombie Dumbfuck, given that that’s what you assume I am, even though I almost never watch Fox News.

          The problem for you is that, even though you think I’m a dumbfuck, I’m still smarter than you. 🙂

          • jason330 says:

            Blah, blah blah.

            You chose Fox News Zombie Dumbfuck, because you are a Fox News Zombie Dumbfuck

            • RE Vanella says:

              If all the choices say Democrat or Socialist except one insulting one, definitely select the insulting one and explain why. That’s the very intelligent move. I agree. Dana is very smart.

  6. RE Vanella says:

    Better distribution now. People probably had time to listen to the entire Nathan J Robinson episode. 😁

  7. Alby says:

    Where’s anarcho-syndicalist?

  8. nathan arizona says:

    REV will have to make it a write-in vote.

  9. Alby says:

    What an intelligent comment. We clearly are dealing here with a superior intellect.

  10. Alby says:

    What an intelligent comment. We clearly are dealing here with a superior intellect.

  11. Greenville Insider says:

    Rumor going around Janseens is Hunter slept with Jill. Ugh… What a family.

  12. Alby says:

    What an intelligent comment. We clearly are dealing here with a superior intellect.

  13. RE Vanella says:

    Like that rumor in Milwaukee about Muskie taking ib0gain€