DL Open Thread: Sat., Dec. 7, 2019
Miss. Rethug Asks Legislature To Invalidate Election Loss. Blames failures of elections officials, all of whom are Rethugs. Guess she doesn’t like the fact that she got beat by an African-American. The worst fact? The legislature can do this with impunity. But, hey, who needs that pesky Voting Rights Act? Certainly not Mississippi. More criminal activity from a Party that is now a criminal organization. Which reminds me. The House passed a bill yesterday to ungut the gutting of the Voting Rights Act. Here’s the roll call. Would it shock you to know that Russia’s favorite D Tulsi Gabbard went not voting? Didn’t think so. BTW, if Chris Coons has his way, this bill would be blocked in the Senate even if the D’s win the majority next year.
R Facing Loss Due To Undoing Of Gerrymander Announces Retirement. The undoing of these gerrymanders has already yielded positive results in at least Virginia, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina. There will be a few more D governors this next time around, and a few more D legislative bodies. Which is why I couldn’t give two shits about the so-called D moderates who cower at the thought of voting to impeach Trump. Addition by subtraction.
Trump Offers No Defense. He’s just gonna defame the process and its participants. The only thing keeping him in office is the national propaganda network. Which reminds me, we have a national propaganda network designed to boost the Rethuglican Party.
End The Climate Bailouts. Ya wanna live there? Do so at your own risk, not the taxpayers’. Our delegation is among the worst offenders.
What do you want to talk about?
Rethugs? I guess that’s better than being a Lib-tard.
What an intelligent comment. We clearly are dealing here with a superior intellect.
Good one Todd!
Wait a minute. If you can call a political party a bunch of thugs, why can’t a member of that party retaliate? Also, el som, the avatar is lame. Bush has been out of office for nearly 11 years. Get over it and maybe upgrade to Hillary wiping a server in her basement with a cloth.
retaliate.. lol
“wiping a server” holy shit
How do you navigate the outside world? Is it scary? Are you quickly confused?
Because it’s not their site. I thought you people were all about private property.
Private property? This weak blog? Hilarious. A left wing circle jerk is more like it.
Thank you for your service. You’re braver than a troop. You got us. I’m beside myself. Really.
Are you a cop? If so I thank you twice.
And yet private property. And weak as it is, it obviously bothers you enough to get pissed off about it. Sad. A bunch of pathetic libtards can produce a blog, and you can’t.
Well, at least you know who you are.
This is pretty weak trolling, Mr. Link. Don’t you have a life?
Leftists produce podcasts.
Not what he said. “Libtards” is a direct quote.