DL Open Thread: Mon., Dec. 9, 2019
BREAKING: Afghan War Was Never Winnable. We have been lied to for 18 years. Washington Post finally got the goods after a three-year FOIA lawsuit.
Trump To Kick 700,000 Off Of Food Stamps. Oh, and he appoints a ‘Homelessness Czar’ who ‘tried to get cities to ban charities from feeding the homeless’. Yet not one Rethug has strayed from his side, except for Justin Amash, who got kicked out of the party for his troubles. They are a criminal enterprise, hence, ‘Rethuglicans’. Hope that clears it up for all the trolls out there.
Trump Brings Out War Criminals As Special Guests At Fundraiser. See above.
How Does A Saudi End Up Training At A US Naval Base? Even Trump Allies Have Questions. Trump blames it on Obama in 3-2-1…
Trump’s Anti-Semitism Continues Unabated. But he and Chris Coons agree on one thing–some Jews ‘don’t love Israel enough’.
NRA Sues DNREC Because They Can’t Slaughter Deer With Semi-Automatic Weapons. They may have a point in that DNREC is trying to do by regulation what might need to be done by legislation, which is why the General Assembly must ban these weapons. Too bad that Dave McBride, Nicole Poore, Dave Lawson, Anthony Delcollo, Cathy Cloutier, and John Fucking Carney won’t let us.
US Lobbyists Look To Shred Consumer Safeguards In UK If Tories Win. They’ve already done it here, why not there? Just read the partial list of the rogues’ gallery:
Departing the EU could mean that British consumers would no longer be protected by broad EU-wide regulations on chemicals, food, and cosmetics, among other products. Several international corporate groups have pushed to ensure that in the event of Brexit, such safeguards are abandoned in exchange for a regulatory standard that conforms to the norms of the U.S.
The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, the lobby group that represents the largest drugmakers in the world, insisted that any U.S.-U.K. deal “must recognize that prices of medicines should be based on a variety of value criteria.”
The Biotechnology Innovation Organization, a lobby group for the biopharmaceutical industry, made similar demands in a letter to trade officialsfor the U.K., calling to do more in “shouldering a fair share of the costs of innovation.”
Craig Thorn, a lobbyist representing the U.S.’s National Pork Producers Council, told the Trump administration that the proposed U.S.-U.K. deal present a “historic opportunity,” citing his client’s desire to continue trade with the U.K. by evading EU restrictions on certain feed additives and antibiotics used widely on American pork
And that’s just scratching the surface.
What do you want to talk about?
Anyone who doesn’t think that the Republicans are a criminal organization from top to bottom only need listen to this morning’s opening statements from the Judiciary committee.
Chris Coons, for example, give a listen to your esteemed friends from the Republican party.
So Trump joking in a press conference on live TV about giving the infamous missing Hillary emails to the American press is a high crime or misdemeanor ?
Maybe someone can tell me why a person who is supposedly conspiring with the Russians would need to contact them via the TV set….It’s really hard to take these people seriously.
Who said he needed to? Donald Trump does a lot of dumb shit he doesn’t need to because most thoughts in his head pop out of his mouth.
The problem here is that this might be the straw that broke the camel’s back, but they’re impeaching him over the straw instead of the camel.
Vladimir Trump, our first confirmed traitor to occupy the Whitehouse, is not being impeached (justifiably) for joking about releasing or threatening to release emails. He is charged with high crimes, obstruction and hopefully treason for his betrayal of an ally, Ukraine, to a enemy power, Russia, currently engaged in a hostile invasion of and occupation of a sovereign nation (Ukraine). I am giving you the benefit of the doubt that you are an abject moron but even a moron, such as you, and the Republican members of congress cannot believe that your stupid argument and even stupider attitudes will absolve you from the reality and blame of deliberately conspiring to undermine America and its ideals. Take yourself and your Russian-loving, conspiracy theorist, treasonous attitude and move to Russia and live under the reign of your beloved Putin. When you get there maybe you should wear earplugs at night when you are in the sack with Vlad to muffle the screams of the millions of innocent people he has killed and tortured. No earplugs can ever be expected to silence your own conscience however. But admitting to being the traitor and co-conspirator you are (with Fox and friends) may enable you to drown out your obvious soullessness.
Representative John Kowalko
Representative Kowalko
I really hope you consider endorsing
After 911, the first responders were CIA, not the Pentagon. The CIA were well on their way to accomplishing their mission, Taliban on the run, chasing Osama Bin Laden, when Cheney decided he preferred the military to the CIA, with whom he had fewer (corrupting) contacts. The military chased bin Laden, but lost him at Tora Bora, when the military had to wait to get “green lit” to finish him. The administration dithered and squandered their opportunity to end it. The administration needed a way to ‘splain to the entire country how they “lost” bin Laden so they came up with the bright idea of rebuilding Afghanistan in our image. Pure arrogance and fantasy! From Tora Bora on Afghanistan was a SNAFU, but not in the beginning.
Osama and the Taliban were afterthoughts to Cheney who wanted to invade Iraq from the outset. No plan, no goals, just utter bullshit – and yet Joe Biden voted for all of it.
Most every team that I know of that went in had a mixture of Military, DOD Civilian, and CIA.
That video of Pelosi saying she was ranking member of the Intel committee and knew the rational to attack Iraq was a lie. But she didn’t think it was impeachable.
Oh boy. That’s something, huh.