Defeated Rethug Governor Pardons A Whole Shitload Of Prisoners Convicted Of Violent Crimes. 428 in all. Provided no notice to the public. When they lose, they try to take society down with them.
Boris To Get His Brexit. Can someone explain to me how Jeremy Corbyn came to be the leader of the Labour Party? I think that party deserves to die.
The Staggering Growth Of Income Inequality Since 1970:
For top 1%, average income has risen by $800,000 since 1970.
For top 0.1%, it has risen by $4 million.
For top .01%, it has risen $20 million.
Bottom 50%? $8,000.
All this is *after taxes and transfers.*
Read the entire article. Lotsa numbers, one inescapable conclusion.
House Rethugs Blow Up At Nadler For Vote Delay. After a day of delay on their part, they’re upset that their ‘travel plans’ were disrupted. Or so they say.
McConnell ‘In Total Coordination’ With The White House On Impeachment. An ongoing criminal conspiracy, and nobody is hiding it. Chris? Chris?
Federal Judge Grants Citizenship To American Samoans. It’s long past due.
On that rare positive note, I might as well conclude this otherwise gloomy list, one well-suited for Friday the 13th.
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