DL Open Thread: Sat., Dec. 21, 2019

Filed in Featured by on December 21, 2019

Clean Energy Stiffed In Budget Deal.  Compromise, Chris Coons-style. It sucks.

Christianity Today’s Editorial Calling For Trump’s Removal:

But the facts in this instance are unambiguous: The president of the United States attempted to use his political power to coerce a foreign leader to harass and discredit one of the president’s political opponents. That is not only a violation of the Constitution; more importantly, it is profoundly immoral.

The reason many are not shocked about this is that this president has dumbed down the idea of morality in his administration. He has hired and fired a number of people who are now convicted criminals. He himself has admitted to immoral actions in business and his relationship with women, about which he remains proud. His Twitter feed alone—with its habitual string of mischaracterizations, lies, and slanders—is a near perfect example of a human being who is morally lost and confused.

It’s not Christianity that has changed. It’s the Christians supporting Trump. They’re no longer Christians. Of course, the Falwell types never really were.

Trump Touts That ‘Michigan Is Back’. Two Days Later, Michigan Steel Mill Posts Closing Notice.  He’s doing everything he can to lose Michigan. Maybe this time, with a D governor, he will.

Rethugs Aren’t Afraid Of Trump, They’re Emboldened By Him.  They’re just like him. This is a real good think-piece.

Trump Advisor Lays Out Rethugs’ Voter Suppression Strategy, Caught On Tape.  They say that ‘forewarned is forearmed’. Let’s see if the D’s take effective steps to prevent this.  We now have D governors in Michigan and Wisconsin, and we have a D governor in Pa. I hope they’re paying attention.

Wash. State Rethug Legislator ‘Participated In Act Of Domestic Terrorism’.  Just read what this guy’s been up to.  To their credit, Washington R’s suspended him from the Caucus. Trump brings him to a rally in 3-2-1…

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. First Time Home Buyer Tax Credit | December 23, 2019
  1. jason330 says:

    Will the left go too far?

    I wonder why the right never “goes too far” to get stories in national magazines?

  2. El Somnambulo says:

    No, you don’t wonder. Neither do I.

  3. RE Vanella says:

    It’s a real mystery.

    (We discuss this whole punching left business on the podcast this week.)

  4. Alby says:

    I’m surprised hippie-punching hasn’t been made an Olympic sport by now. People have been practicing for 50 years.

    • Buster says:

      Hippie punching? Are you referring to antifa and “milkshaking” conservative Asian journalists?

      • Ben says:

        Lol. Go munch on a curb.

        • Buster says:

          That is deep. So, no refutation? The Left as it turns out is the violent group set on shutting down any and all criticism.

          • RE Vanella says:

            You sound smart

          • John Kowalko says:

            There’s a good idea. “Inbreeding” as an Olympic sport. We can entice all the “Busters” of the world away from their mind-numbing UFC and NASCAR events and have them appear every four years in a maze filled with misdirection (Fox News, Hannity, Rush Limpballs) and they must find the one correct passage of truth out of a thousand or so confirmed lies by that renowned Putin/Russian treason doll Donald the Grump. If they choose the wrong route they will be set upon by all of those wild-eyed hordes of liberals who will chant “Jews will not replace us” in a deafening verbal assault on Buster’s 80 IQ brain. How about it Buster. Do you have enough close relatives to Impregnate and produce a new contestant every four years.
            Rep. Kowalko

  5. RE Vanella says:

    This very scientifically designed blog poll is producing interesting results. You absolutely love to see it.

  6. RE Vanella says:

    You think I don’t know the dumb conspiracy theory Andy N fake bullshit you’re talking about? I know all about it. You’re fucking fake dude. Phony baloney. Limp dick. Coward .

    It’s a shame really. You’re an embarrassing little nothing.

  7. RE Vanella says:

    So I guess that ought to cover it. Goodnight everyone. Merry Christmas!

  8. RE Vanella says:

    What am I suppose to refute ?

  9. RE Vanella says:

    Want to come on the podcast, little dude? Want me to embarrass you publically? That’d be dope af.

    Refute? I’ll give you the entire fucking hour.

    Send your contact info to the blog tipline. Don’t be a fucking baby.

  10. RE Vanella says:

    Send your contact info to the tip line or crawl back in your fucking hole.

  11. RE Vanella says:

    Nice flex pal. Lol.

  12. Buster says:

    Rev- you are exactly what is wrong with society today. You scream over anyone who disagrees with you, laced with profanity and little substance. I would welcome an honest debate, but it would devolve into a slugfest as truth is not a left wing value.

    • Alby says:

      Why would you welcome an honest debate? So you could “win” it?

      Hippie punching, since you seem so uninformed, refers to the practice of centrist Democrats vilifying left-wing Democrats. You dolts have nothing to do with it.

      Here’s the Urban Dictionary. It’s sense #2 in which I’m using it.


      There’s nothing to debate, fella. You have no dog in this fight.

      • Buster says:

        Yes. I would win an honest debate, but honestly is not a Left wing value. Convenient you skip over #1 definition in the urban dictionary. I believe being #1 is the most common definition. “1. The fantasy common among disaffected right-wingers of assaulting people they imagine as the embodiment of treasonous forces afflicting the nation. Rarely if ever put into practice, since in the real world the hippies either went back to real life or turned into Silicon Valley libertarians.” Nice when you can cherry pick to make a point. So much for me being uninformed.

        • RE Vanella says:

          Send your personal info to the tip line. I’ll set it up.

        • Alby says:

          I didn’t “conveniently skip over” it. I’m telling you the sense I was using it in, which is what matters. it’s called a “metaphor.” Look it up.

          Really, fella, nobody here gives a shit what you think about anything, because it’s pretty clear you’re here to pick a fight. Go live your life and tell God all about what a swell guy you are because you don’t use swear words and think nobody on your side uses violence.

          You’re being an asshole. You go to a blog obviously not aimed at you and — metaphorically — piss on the rugs, you’re not going to get a warm welcome.

          Just as a hint, you’re not the swell fella you think, and your God is an asshole, too.

    • RE Vanella says:

      lol. Just say you’re scared.

  13. RE Vanella says:

    That’s a no, then?

    You know it’s a common problem with our stuff. You need to be well-read, follow international politics & have a strong vocabulary.

    I’m sorry it’s so good.

  14. RE Vanella says:

    Final note, the “conservative” journalist this guy is referring to is Andy Ngo. He’s a fascist.

    Google it. Banned from the alt-light publication Quilette. Ties to Proud Boys and the neo-nazi Atomwaffen.

    Buster is a coward. He’ll never come out from the shadows because he will be exposed as fascist adjacent.

    • Buster says:

      So I ask again, does that deserve being beaten?

      • RE Vanella says:

        Doing propoganda for the folks that killed Heather Heyer and trying to provoke counter protesters in Portland? I wasn’t bothered by Andy getting shit thrown at him, no.

        When white supremacists and neo Nazis turn up in your town I say it’s fine to meet them by any means necessary.

        Why don’t you send your contact into to the blog tip line? 😀

  15. RE Vanella says:

    Sort of like when Richard Spencer got smashed in his despicable grill. The only disappointment I had was I wasn’t there to see it.

    If you think I give a flying fuck about want happens to alt-right fascists and proud boys, I assure you I do not.

    • Buster says:

      Wishing harm on those you disagree with? Attempting to shut down public discourse? Supporting thugs in masks destroying public and private property? Sounds fascist to me. I have no intention of allowing you to shout over me and potentially try to harm me in a discussion. You are a sick person. Get some help and stop hating so much. You may well get happy and sociable. You think your blog is for deep thinkers. It’s not. I have listened to it. Mainly cussing out people you disagree with and not proposing any meaningful change, except always going as far left as you can. I learned a long time ago that if you want to be a winner, surround yourself with winners. If you are surrounded by losers….well you get the point Loser.

  16. RE Vanella says:

    I disagree with Chris Coons.

    I think neo-Nazis should get the same treatment as the originals.

    The fact that the podcast confuses you is unfortunate. I totally understand why though.

    • Buster says:

      The pod cast doesn’t confuse me. It is a Leftist diatribe. Nothing more, nothing less. In other words, endless drivel with occasional F word thrown in to make feel manly. BTW, you also criticize Carper, Rochester and especially Carney. I remember one pod cast about how you were at a gathering that was also attended by the Governor and you gleefully described how uncomfortable he was seeing you there.
      Neo Nazis= Antifa.

  17. RE Vanella says:

    Anonymous alt-light neo-nazi sympathetic blog commenters are winners. I’m sure everyone who reads this will see that.

  18. RE Vanella says:

    Aside here to the sentient and the sane.

    I absolutely adore these hate listeners. It’s my main motivation.

    • Buster says:

      Not a hate listener. I get a charge out of the vacuum that is the Leftist position. It reaffirms my basic beliefs in God and America. Sorry…gender neutral celestial being and nation for only the wealthy.

  19. Buster says:

    Thanks. You tried to make a case, but failed miserably.

    • RE Vanella says:

      Let me ask you something. Straight up. For real. You think if people read this they’ll think “Yeah, that Buster dude really schooled the podcast guy. It was unreal.”?

      Like, in your mind, do you think that?

      Is this what Facebook is like?

  20. Buster says:

    I don’t Facebook. As far as an ego boost for me, it’s not. After reading the posts on this site, it is obvious that very few non believers make it through. I am not preaching to the choir. I am simply demonstrating the hypocrisy of the Left. You lob softballs at each other and when actually confronted with logic, you devolve into pack animals with foul mouths. No substance, just insults. Possibly someone will read the posts and realize how vacant the Left is. Nothing positive to say, just sharing misery. And you were schooled podcast guy.

    • RE Vanella says:

      Hypocrisy. Lol.

      Santa has delivered what I wanted for Christmas. A wind-up dancing reactionary monkey!

      Dance, monkey. Dance!

    • Alby says:

      You don’t have any room to talk about logic when you think only the first definition of a word — in the fricking urban dictionary, which isn’t actually a real dictionary at all — is valid.

      You have no room to talk about logic if you think God exists.

      You have no room to talk about logic when you’re using anecdotes instead of data. Anecdotal evidence is one of the many definitions of false logic.

      In short, you’re another conservative Dunning Kruger Effect victim. You think you’re smart. If you stick around here, I’ll disabuse you of that, but only if and when I have time. Educating conservatives is generally a waste of time, as they resist learning anything.

      PS: You claim you’ve won a debate that hasn’t happened. Pray tell, what’s your prize? You get to feel superior? Seems to me you had already honed that to a pretty fine point before you got here.

      • Buster says:

        Hey Alby- speaking of logic…you brought the frickin’ urban dictionary into the discussion, not me. And when confronted with the error, you deflect. Anecdotal evidence? Antifa is in 100’s of videos. Not a lobbed softball.

        • RE Vanella says:


          I hate punching down. But it’s so fucking fun.

          • Alby says:

            It really does take a special kind of stupid to think he was being attacked when the phrase was being used in a metaphorical sense.

            But you’ll notice he thinks he’s brave because he doesn’t go away when he’s cursed at. They have their own definitions of all sorts of words.

        • Alby says:

          Dude, I’m talking about what I was saying. Don’t you think I know the sense I used it in?

          Hundreds of videos are still anecdotal evidence. That’s not data. You don’t know the meaning of the word, apparently. It’s among the many words you don’t seem to understand.

          Even the “lobbed softball” was taken from an earlier troll. You don’t have the game to play here.

          • Buster says:

            Go to YouTube and watch them. Not anecdotal. You are also all over the place today, from the urban dictionary to God to metaphors. I’m not brave, just an observer of the absurd.

            • Alby says:

              You don’t know what “anecdotal” means. The number of videos on YouTube doesn’t mean anything in that context. It’s still not data. Look up these terms if you don’t know what I mean.

              Why should I watch them? What do you think I’ll learn, that some people are violent? I know that. Do you think I’ll change my mind about which side I’m on? Heh. Will you?

              “All over the place,” in your mind, seems to mean I can talk about several concepts at once. It’s not rare on Earth, except for in conservative circles.

              You bragged about how you wouldn’t be run off my people cursing at you. That seemed like an assertion of bravery to me.

              You have no room to talk about what’s absurd if you believe in an invisible man in the sky.

            • RE Vanella says:

              You Tube evidence shot by Andy Ngo.

              This does not sound conspiratorial.

              Rob Arlett…. Come on the podcast

            • John Kowalko says:

              I’d prefer to not stoop to name calling but anyone, anyone, who supports or defends the actions of that human excrement that currently occupies the Whitehouse is fair game. As surely as Trump is a sociopathic, paranoid, narcissist displaying an obvious propensity for absolving (never excusing) his own sins then his minions/followers and deplorable enablers are as morally and mentally challenged as their “chosen one” and deserve no mercy for their own crimes against humanity. “Following orders” or merely kissing the lard-like mountainous posterior of the hater-in-chief, like the entire Republican congress has done, is inexcusable and deserved of the utmost scorn and disdain from every decent person on earth. All of the murderous and immoral White Supremacists, Racist and Nazi supporting bastards that this lowlife and his defenders choose to support are deserved of anything that might happen to them. Get off that “high-horse” of purported intellectual superiority you have mounted and you’ll realize that you’re sitting on a wooden fixture on a carousel that is going nowhere other than in circles.
              Representative John Kowalko

  21. RE Vanella says:


    I hate punching down. But it’s so fucking fun.

  22. nathan arizona says:

    I’m hardly the farthest left person on this blog, but this guy Buster is an idiot. It’s why we look down on hard-core Trump supporters, even if we sometimes try not to. They’re just, you know, fools. Selfish pricks, too. They either know that or they’re too stupid and ignorant to know it.

  23. Buster says:

    You were and you failed.

  24. Alby says:

    Here’s what Buster wrote:

    “Hippie punching? Are you referring to antifa and “milkshaking” conservative Asian journalists?”

    Here’s the answer that I gave that triggered him so:


    • Jason330 says:

      This thread is a hoot.

      I looked up “Milkshaking” to see the terrible thing that Buster was so upset about, and it turns out that milkshaking is the act of throwing milkshakes and other drinks at conservative motherfuckers as a means of political protest.

      Better keep your guns unlocked and in the reach of children….Those violent Antifa-ists are gonna get cha!!

      • Buster says:

        Maybe it started that way, but it quickly progressed to adding cement and other foreign objects to the mix to maximize harm. Do your homework you senile lump of flesh.

        • RE Vanella says:

          Keep in mind, and I know this because I’m getting good at translating these, “homework” in this sentence means watching 12 alt right You Tube vids in a row that the algorithm picked for you. Scholarly.

        • Alby says:

          I had to look up this clown Andy Ngo. As REV notes, Mr. Ngo’s cement claim has never been corroborated by anything factual. It’s an unsupported allegation by Mr. Ngo, who also described a Silly String attack as “violence.” Not to put too fine a point on this, but this silly little man is a drama queen.

          That’s not a reference to his gayitude, or his clear aspiration to victimhood. I realize you people can’t tell an attention-seeking dick when you see one — you elected one president, ffs — but the rest of us can. It’s why we scorn you.

          You asked me if I my joke about hippie-punching being an Olympic sport was in reference to what even the Urban Dictionary calls imaginary attacks on hippies. I think I clearly demonstrated that it wasn’t, so your “defense” was actually an attack, and you haven’t changed tack since. If you had ever read the blog before you would know that I spend much more time attacking collaborationist Democrats (in the sense of collaborating with capital) than I do Republicans, though I think even less of Republicans than Democrats.

          Normally someone as dense as you would be shitcanned by now, but my colleagues are uncharitably letting you go on because they find your ignorance amusing.

          It is in the spirit of Christian charity that I inform you of this. Do with the information what you will.

          • Buster says:

            You are senile. Let’s leave it at that. I watched the videos. Milkshakes are water, dairy products of some kind, syrup and air. When they hit, they splat. Also, they tend to melt rapidly, becoming a liquid.. The projectiles hurled were much denser and caused physical harm. Antifa is evil, as is all Leftism. Ban me if you wish…you already have blocked some of my posts. I don’t care. Bye bye 1st Ammendment.

            • Alby says:

              You clearly don’t know what senile means, either. Show my comments to an expert on neurological problems and see if they think they show signs of senility.

              As I noted above, there was no evidence of cement. Mr. Ngo’s injuries were more likely caused by fists and feet than “cement milkshakes.”

              Regardless, your thoughts about Antifa have nothing to do with the discussion we were having.

              You barged in, changed the subject, insulted everyone who insulted you for your boorishness, and now act offended. And you think you’re showing good behavior? Sheesh.

              I pity you.

            • Alby says:

              Also, what kind of milkshake adds water? And have you ever let a McDonald’s shake sit for an hour? It turns damn near solid.

              How many have you thrown that gives you the experience of knowing how they behave when thrown?

  25. RE Vanella says:

    Quick final word on this. I will not stop cursing. That’s how I talk. Grow the fuck up.

  26. RE Vanella says:

    I chalk this entire affair up to a relatively banal observation.

    Buster is a dumbfuck. Stupider than Dana. And I mean that.

  27. Buster says:

    Deep response.