Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Sun., Dec. 29, 2019

Employers Stop At Nothing To Destroy Unions.  Including scores of illegal activities. The key findings:

The data show that U.S. employers are willing to use a wide range of legal and illegal tactics to frustrate the rights of workers to form unions and collectively bargain. Employers are charged with violating federal law in 41.5% of all union election campaigns. And one out of five union election campaigns involves a charge that a worker was illegally fired for union activity. Employers are charged with making threats, engaging in surveillance activities, or harassing workers in nearly a third of all union election campaigns. Beyond this, there are many things employers can do legally to thwart union organizing; employers spend roughly $340 million annually on “union avoidance” consultants to help them stave off union elections. This combination of illegal conduct and legal coercion has ensured that union elections are characterized by employer intimidation and in no way reflect the democratic process guaranteed by the National Labor Relations Act.

Federal Judge Rubber-Stamps Georgia Voter Disenfranchisement.  Don’t look for the Supreme Court, which has already gutted the Voting Rights Act, to be of any help.

Machete-Wielding Anti-Semite Attacks Celebrants At Hanukah Party.  At least the 5th recent incident in the NYC area. Don’t tell me it can’t happen here.

Climate Change Hits Australia With A Vengeance.  Don’t think views climate change with skepticism there…

The Bernie Comeback.  It looks like a real thing. Having two progressives in the race isn’t so bad when you’ve got two and possibly (Klobuchar) three centrists vying for the corporate lucre. There should still be room for Booker. I honestly don’t understand why he isn’t doing better.

The 50 Best Podcasts Of 2019.  I don’t listen to many podcasts, other than the Rev., and anything to do with fantasy baseball or pro rasslin’. Gotta admit, there are some real interesting niches to explore here.

What do you want to talk about?

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