Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Thurs., Jan. 2, 2020

The Mysterious Invasion Of The Drone Hordes: Rural Nebraska and Colorado are the sites of these sightings. Drones flying in formation. And nobody knows why:

Unmanned drones, which have exploded into popular usage in recent years and can be used for everything from mapping to photography to farming, can be difficult to track. Operators of all but the smallest drones have been required to register with the federal government since 2015, but there is no straightforward, legal way for state and local officials to identify the owner of a particular drone or to track that drone’s location.

“Like in many other areas of drone regulation, the statutory and regulatory framework is lagging the technology,” said Reggie Govan, a former chief counsel to the F.A.A. who now teaches at the University of Pennsylvania Law School. “It’s just that simple.”

Residents have been urged not to shoot the drones down. Think everybody will heed that advice?

Netanyahu Seeks Immunity From Criminal Proceedings.  Gee, wonder who he took that cue from…

Chuck Todd Finally Realizes That Rethugs Use ‘Meet The Press’ To Spread Lies.  What does he do about it? This is an absolute must-read.  BTW, I wonder how MSNBC covers it.

BTW, I love this quote from Upton Sinclair who, BTWBTW, used to ‘summer’ in Arden:

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”

Bernie Might Just Win This Thing.  And, you know what? His age won’t be an issue against someone who is losing it as quickly as Trump.

In The Mood For Some Rethug Schadenfreude? I’m always in the mood. House Rethug leader from New York State blames D’s for being ‘soft on crime’, tells people that ‘(t)here is no excuse for driving impaired this holiday season’, and then, yes, on New Year’s Eve:

‘he allegedly drove off a road and into a ditch near his home and was arrested after flunking a breathalyzer test.’

I can’t make this stuff up.

Truth Or Fiction?  Most of it is true. Just don’t know about that ‘goat-blood drinking’ stuff…BTW, can Sol Invictus be his real name?

What do you want to talk about?

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