U.S. Assassinates Iranian General – Coons Giddy, Spoiling for War with Iran

Filed in National by on January 3, 2020

“Gen. Qassim Soleimani was a dangerous terrorist responsible for killing thousands of innocent men, women, and children, including Americans, throughout the Middle East. I do not mourn his passing.”

These are the first words Coons could get out – a statement of glee. He goes on to worry a bit, but on balance the statement is bloodthirsty as usual. Read it here:

“Gen. Qassim Soleimani was a dangerous terrorist responsible for killing thousands of innocent men, women, and children, including Americans, throughout the Middle East. I do not mourn his passing.

“This air strike, though, dramatically escalates tensions with Iran and places the tens of thousands of American military forces, diplomats, and embassy staff in the region in even more danger than before. The Administration’s stated goal for this strike was deterrence, but without a clear strategy and the support of our allies, this attack makes the risk of another large scale military conflict in the Middle East more likely at a time when the American people rightly want to bring more of our men and women in uniform home safely.

“The Trump Administration must present a strategy for not only protecting ourselves and our allies, but for working with our allies and partners to deter further escalation from Iran and its proxies.

“This is particularly critical after last week’s joint military exercises between Iran, China, and Russia. If the President wants to consider additional military action against Iran, he is obligated to seek authorization from Congress for a broader use of military force.

“The American people deserve a clear, comprehensive strategy for our country’s role in the Middle East from the Trump Administration. I will continue to demand they present that in the coming days.”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (45)

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    Archduke Ferdinand deserved it!

  2. RE Vanella says:

    America is guilty of everything we accuse Iran of doing

    by: Ryan Cooper


    “The truth is that Soleimani was not all that different from any of about five dozen current and former American politicians and bureaucrats — if anything, he was considerably more restrained about the use of force”

  3. RE Vanella says:

    Anti war demonstrations across the country tomorrow.

    Here’s Philly’s info.


  4. Manuel says:

    He was a vicious terrorist and murderer. Only a brain dead leftist would support him. It’s because you hate the President. You never uttered a word as Obama used cruise missile diplomacy.

    • Hello-o-o-o, nobody supported this guy. The problem is that this has made it quite possible that we will be involved in just the sort of conflagration that Trump railed against when Dubya got us into Iraq.

      • Manuel says:

        One has nothing to do with the other. It was retaliation for attacking a U.S. embassy…sovereign American soil. The world is much better without this butcher.

        • El Somnambulo says:

          Wrong. This heightens the possibility that we could find ourselves in a military confrontation that nobody, not even Trump, professes to want.

          You really think we’ve seen the end of this?

          • Manuel says:

            Maybe not, but that’s not the point. We’re tired of being pushed around. I promise you, if this escalates, it won’t take long. With that said. Iran is posturing and they aren’t much of a threat…and they know it. Especially with a real leader in the White House.

            • Jason330 says:

              Strong Daddy figures are important to create feelings of safety and wellbeing. I get it.

              • Manuel says:

                Non sensical as usual from you.

              • Jason330 says:

                (I’m) tired of being pushed around. I promise you,
                (my tormentors are weak) and aren’t much of a threat…and they know it.

                Especially with (my strong figure Daddy) in (my) House.

                Since you need it on a lower shelf, there you go. Some people need strong Daddy figures to feel safe and secure. That’s all.

              • Manuel says:

                No. Some people need leaders. We haven’t had one in a very long time.

              • jason330 says:

                No. (I) need (a strong Daddy). (I) haven’t had one in a very long time.

                Don’t worry. Your feelings of confusion and shame are not yours alone. You share them with multitudes.

            • Alby says:

              How were YOU pushed around, little man? Living vicariously through the violence of others is the most pathetic way to expose your feelings of powerlessness.

              Take your psychological problems somewhere else. Maybe your fellow Trumpists will comfort you.

    • delacrat says:

      Manuel is evidently imbued with that All-American conceit that it up to us to decide whether someone in another country 1) needs to die and 2) we are the ones to make it happen.

    • paul says:

      apparently all-seeing is not all-spelling: threw. there is spellcheck here if you’re inclined to click it.

  5. Bane says:

    Not sure I get what’s wrong with Coons’ statement. Not a fan of his, but his statement seems to be pretty rational.

  6. Jason330 says:

    Coons endorsed an impeached President’s unilateral, extra-constitutional killing.
    A President who has called journalist terrorists and Democrats enemies of America. No Prob. Nothing to see here.

  7. RE Vanella says:

    If a Shiʽite militia got word Gina Haspel was in Baghdad and say were able to shoot down her helicopter from the airport to the embassy is that a war casualty or an assassination?

    The idea the the United States can assassinate the senior officials of other governments because they’re “bad guys” or “murders” is absurd. It’s the logic of a child.

  8. RE Vanella says:

    Manuel is a fellow at the Foreign Policy Institute for Persian Studies. Mock his analysis at your own peril, folks.

  9. RE Vanella says:

    Manuel prolly knows the Quds/IRGC forces helped defeat ISIS (Sunni) in northern Syria. I really don’t even need to bring it up honestly.

    • Manuel says:

      So the enemy of my enemy is my friend? Nice try.

      • RE Vanella says:

        It’s just a fact, my man

        And don’t pretend you knew it before I said it. No one will believe you. It’ll be awkward for you.

        • Manuel says:

          Really? How has that worked in history? The Siviets fought the Nazis, Iran and Iraq were mortal enemies and we even sided with Iraq, etc. Learn your history.

          • RE Vanella says:

            Hahaha. Ok.

            • Manuel says:

              Hahaha. Not exactly the sound of a text book opening. More like a brain fart.

              • Alby says:

                I can’t even tell what side of the argument you’re on here. Are the enemies of our enemies friends or not?

                Sorry to have to tell you this, but nobody here is going to listen to foreign policy advice from rando internet conservo-trolls.

              • Manuel says:

                My point is simply our enemies and allies change over time. The all encompassing enemy of my enemy is over simplifying it. I’m not as conservative as you accuse me of being by the way. I am tired of the foreign wars also.

              • Alby says:

                If that’s your point, I agree with you.

                I disagree, however, that we have a “strong leader.” I’ve been following this guy since the ’80s and I don’t think he can find his ass with both hands.

                He a mobster wannabe who, by his own admission, blanches at the sight of blood.

              • Manuel says:

                I don’t agree. He might not be everyone’s cup of tea and may tweet too much, but he does lead.

              • Alby says:

                In the manner of a cult leader, yes, he leads. So did Jim Jones.

  10. RE Vanella says:

    Did you guys know the State Dept official statement this morning misidentified the acronym IRGC? It’s true! Manuel wrote it.

  11. Alby says:

    @Manuel: Keep in mind as well that both Bush and Obama thought this was the wrong thing to do, so it’s not a partisan issue. I believe they showed leadership in ignoring the John Bolton-style hawks who think bombing stuff is to our benefit. If it was, Iraq wouldn’t have cost us trillions of dollars that could instead fund a comprehensive health-care system.

    Violence is the last resort of people who have no rational case to make.

  12. RE Vanella says:

    Manuel is a genius

  13. paul says:

    We left Iraq during the Obama administration because the Iraqis would not grant the legal basis to stay. So we withdrew. It was doing what we as a country are supposedly committed to, support a system of laws. This is part of our evolution of our species. Supporting a legal system frees us from the necessity of using force: war. War has always been an unspeakable horror that has plagued our species. Then ISIS emerged who cleaned the Iraqis clock on the battlefield. We were invited back in, but on a limited basis, and subject to expulsion for any reason whatsoever. Iraq is now debating that expulsion in their lawmaking body. I never understood Republican yammering that “we left too soon”. In 2011, Republicans were not under Trump’s thrall yet, so where did this “lawlessness” idea come from? When? The latest iteration of this lawlessness is that we should ignore international rule of law and just squat in Iraq. We now know that Republicans don’t give a fig about the rule of law except to use it to win partisan advantage. They (McConnell et.al.) are collaborating in this freely with Trump and his cronies. The only consequences we can deliver this year are: protest like hell against this war. We are 76%. Support authentic rule of law. Vote out all Republicans and drive their party into extinction, like the Nazis in Germany and the communist party here. Fossilize the fossils.

  14. RE Vanella says:

    Let me break Manuel down for you.

    Look, we’re on Airstrip One, right? Make Oceania great again, &c. Sometimes we’re at war with Eurasia. Sometimes we’re at war with Eastasia. Right now we’re at war with the Persians. We’ve always been at war with the Persians!

    Read a book, bro.

    (See what I mean?)

    • Oliver says:

      Always been at war with the Persians? Not even close. The Europeans have been for a long time, but not us….until they attacked sovereign U.S. territory (embassy) and asked for it. The weak Jimmy Carter humiliated us and himself and it took a real man, Reagan, to free the hostages. Take oil from the Persians and they will be picking fleas out of each others hair. You read a book. You are the least informed member of this cesspool called Delaware Liberal.

  15. RE Vanella says:

    Tell me to read again Manuel. It impresses everybody.

  16. RE Vanella says:

    me, an idiot.

    historical context doesn’t matter.

    Manual, a genius

    look, see here….

  17. RE Vanella says:

    Orwell wrote one of the most famous novels of all time about it. And this fucking moron’s going to explain it. Ok, pal.

    Just fucking go away, man. You’re a disgrace. Sincerely.

  18. RE Vanella says:

    Imagine a podcast where Karl & I review the 1954 CIA coup in Iran with poor Ollie.

    Good night everyone!