Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Sun., Jan. 5, 2020

Officials Put Option Of Killing Suleimani Before Trump–So That He Wouldn’t Take It.  Don’t they know him by now?:

In the chaotic days leading to the death of Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani, Iran’s most powerful commander, top American military officials put the option of killing him — which they viewed as the most extreme response to recent Iranian-led violence in Iraq — on the menu they presented to President Trump.

They didn’t think he would take it. In the wars waged since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, Pentagon officials have often offered improbable options to presidents to make other possibilities appear more palatable.

After initially rejecting the Suleimani option on Dec. 28 and authorizing airstrikes on an Iranian-backed Shia militia group instead, a few days later Mr. Trump watched, fuming, as television reports showed Iranian-backed attacks on the American Embassy in Baghdad, according to Defense Department and administration officials.

“As Sanders And Warren Vow To Block War With Iran, Biden And Buttigieg Offer Better-Run Wars.”  Sometimes, a well-crafted hed says it all.

Australia Is Burning.  Climate change is here with a vengeance.

Cambridge Analytica Made The World Safe For ‘Global Manipulation’. 87 million Facebook accounts. Voter manipulation on an ‘industrial scale’ in 68 countries.  I can’t even…just read it.

‘Putin’s Big Lie’.  In a rewrite of history totally at war with the facts, Putin blames, wait for it, Poland for the outbreak of World War II. 

What do you want to talk about?

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