DL Open Thread: Mon., Jan. 6, 2020

Filed in Featured by on January 6, 2020

Wilmington’s Only Rethug Councilman Target Of Sexual Harassment Suit.  Granted, I’d feel a bit more comfortable with this had the complainant hired anybody but Theo Gregory to handle the suit, but still.

Trump ‘Created His Own Credibility Crisis’ On Iran.  Not that he’s gonna try to make a serious case for, you know, war, in any event.

Speaker Pelosi To Hold A Vote To Curb President’s War Powers On Iran.  A vote this week. What will the Senate do? What will Chris Coons do? My guess? No vote. Coons will reach across the aisle to make sure that no vote happens.

He’s Insa-a-a-a-ne!  As if you needed more proof. BTW, Pompeo should have ditched this shitshow for Kansas when he had the chance. Wouldn’t be a good look for him to do so now.

Guess Who Are, And Aren’t, Getting Rich Over Trump’s Trade War.  Just because you can probably figure it out doesn’t mean that it doesn’t suck.

How A $16 Billion Company Employed Prison Labor…And Didn’t Pay Them.  The county basically set up the arrangement.  This is one civil lawsuit where I’m really rooting for the plaintiffs.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    Klobbo Car us out of Coons prayer & pancake thing.


  2. Alby says:

    One of the under-reported stories these days is the resurgence of Bernie Sanders. There’s a reason for that — Sanders is He Who Must Not Be Named for Democratic Party corporate humpers — but his fundraising numbers put him back in the news.

    This piece examines the frustrations of the Never Berners.


    • RE Vanella says:

      How about that CBS News pill, huh?

      He’s been the only candidate who seems positioned to potentially win IA, NH, CO, NV and CA. Raised loads of dough from a huge diverse breadth of our neighbors.

      But if nobody wants to talk about it, I’m good. 😁

  3. Annoymous says:

    She hired Theo Gregory? Lmao

    Wow; I give ciro the benefit of the doubt now

  4. nathan arizona says:

    Amy has hung in there while others slipped. She has momentum and might end up the top “moderate” candidate. Unlike the Delaware reps, she has some balls. But the big question is still which candidate is most likely to beat Trump.

    • Alby says:

      Biden will get the biggest boost from Trump’s gallumphing into Iran, and there are indications he has gained in both Iowa and New Hampshire. Bernie’s support is solidifying too. Not all old white men are alike.

      Amy’s best bet is a brokered convention or as a VP.

  5. nathan arizona says:

    I agree about the Biden boost. I also think he’s the most likely to beat Trump, which doesn’t mean I want it to be him. But Amy is still in the game while others have failed.

    • Jason330 says:

      Okay, Boomer. Two time loser has best chance.

      But seriously Nathan, how is Biden different from H. Clinton, Kerry, Dukakis or Mondale when it comes to being a corporate pick that leaves would be democratic voters on the sidelines?

  6. nathan arizona says:

    I know he’s a corporate pick, or maybe you meant “prick.” Anyway, I’m just saying that in this particular election I think a candidate like him has the edge. I believe Warren or Sanders would scare off too many voters. They might be less popular in a general election than some of the democrats you mentioned above. Non-Trump people just want something “normal” for a change. Joe is very “normal” and familiar if little else. This is not the time to go all or nothing because the nothing would be particularly awful. I realize there’s more than one view on this, but yours is not mine.

  7. Jason330 says:

    Wow. Where does this enduring fantasy that 10% of the electorate is a sober “center” that can be swayed over to the Dem side come from?

    It certainly doesn’t come from paying attention to every election since Reagan.

  8. Jason330 says:

    My view is that every election since Reagan has been a “base turnout election” won by the candidate that was most effective bringing in new base voters and getting base voters to the polls.

    With the exception of Obama, that candidate has always been the Republican

  9. Jason330 says:

    There is a hunger in the country for fairness and accountability.

    If ever a Democrat ran a real base turnout strategy, they’d win 45 states.

  10. jason330 says:

    If there are a few persuadable “center” voters they are not persuaded by rational arguments and sober mediocrity.

    They are persuaded by the excitement of being on the side of energetic confidence and the thought that they are joining the eventual “winner” in his/her quest.

    (Sorry about all the comments, but posting from a phone)

  11. jason330 says:

    Fortunately we have a large number of great Democrats running for office this year pursuing a base turn out strategy.

    On a local level that means knocking on every door and delivering a clear, energetically progressive message that brings in new voters and turns regular passive Democratic voters into participants.

  12. nathan arizona says:

    A big chunk of the base seems to prefer Biden.

    • Jason330 says:

      And a big chunk of the base doesn’t.

      So is picking up the 50 persuadable voters in the midwest worth telling 250,000 activists to stay home?

      • RE Vanella says:

        I feel like we tried that already.

        Anyway, I don’t really know who the base are. I know when a neoliberal, corporate, tough on crime, war-hawk with all the “experience” ran last time it didn’t work. I know the candidate who won the primaries in WI and MI in 2016 is running again. Seems popular. I’ll go with him. First Jewish president, he’ll be.

  13. RE Vanella says:

    This is something


    When the “job numbers” are good but people are still pissed.

  14. RE Vanella says:

    Great exchange on the internet today from Iranian TV.

    Presenter – “In your opinion, if anyone around the world wants to take their revenge on the assassination of Soleimani and intends to do it proportionately in the way they suggest – that we take one of theirs now that they’ve got one of ours – who should we consider to take out in the context of America?”

    Shia Cleric Shahab Moradi – “Think about it. Are we suppose to take out Spider-Man and SpongeBob? They don’t have any heroes. We have a country in front of us with a large population and a large land mass, but it doesn’t have any heroes. All their heroes are cartoon characters – they’re all fictional.”

    Luke 23:34

  15. nathan arizona says:

    The big chunk of the base I was referring to is the black vote. I realize Bernie is doing pretty well there too.