DL Open Thread: Fri., Jan. 10, 2020

Filed in Featured by on January 10, 2020

Those Poll Numbers On Trump’s Assassination Of Suleimani Not Looking Good.  I don’t generally ‘do’ polls here, but this one suggests that Trump might have done lasting damage to his reelection.

Clinton Found Innocent–Again.  Doesn’t make her any less guilty of political malpractice though, which was her true transgression.  Her disastrous candidacy will never offer her exoneration.

“Designed By Clowns, Supervised By Monkeys”.  Boeing employees talking about the grounded 737. And these are the redacted e-mails. The FAA has the unredacted ones.  Somehow, I don’t see this as a ‘buy low’ opportunity.

What Democrats Could Have Done To Rein In Trump On Iran:

 The left flank of House Democrats had tried to do that earlier last year. The initial version of the annual National Defense Authorization Act, which cleared the House in July on a party-line vote, contained provisions that would have blocked Trump from starting a war with Iran unless Congress approved it. 

When representatives from the two chambers of Congress met in the fall to hash out a compromise bill, the limitations on Trump’s war powers were cut out.

The only big item from the progressives’ agenda that Democrats did secure was a commitment to grant federal employees 12 weeks of paid parental leave, but that came in exchange for approval to create Trump’s Space Force.

Chris? One more reason why bipartisanship sucks.

Kentucky Rethugs Push Voter Suppression Bill.  Yes, it’s an admission that they have to cheat to win.  Unfortunately, they often win by cheating. 

Sen. Hansen Presides Over Sham Gun Discussion.  Other than getting her name in the paper, I have no idea what she wanted to accomplish here.  From what I’ve heard, she basically pissed off everybody. And for what?

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    More symposiums, focus groups & panel discussions! This is the Delaware Way. The allusion of discussion with zero material impact.

    New pod dropped this am. 30 minute piece with WFD Union President Joe Leonetti regarding the fight against Purzycki austerity. The Bunker pledges absolute solidarity with the firefighters union.

    (While this is shorter than our normal weekly episode we will be dropping a bonus ‘no war with Iran’ episode this weekend where Karl & I try to teach you about the 1953 CIA coup in Iran and Qassem Soliemani’s rise to lead the IRGC. Also why Coons approved the Trump military budget and is perfectly comfortable with war with Iran.

    We’re givers. We give and we give.)

  2. Alby says:

    If you’re wondering why Mayo Pete can’t gain any traction with black voters, check out this Michael Harriot story in The Root about the racial problems in the South Bend police force and how Buttigieg acted, or failed to.


  3. paul says:

    A spaceforce. How you define it means everything. I envision Trump weaponizing the space force. Orbiting platforms armed with both particle and energy weapons. ABMs. Can you imagine if Trump had the ability to park such a platform over North Korea? He’d use it to send “messages” to perceived adversaries.

    • delacrat says:

      “Space Force” is a disinterment of raygun’s Star Wars.

      A zombie idea to generate $ for war contractors without getting off the drawing board.

  4. ben says:

    Well, Pelosi is sending the articles to die in the senate. so no. this time wasnt different.

    Ol Ben… who prays to a god he doesn’t believe in every day that he will be wrong…. is right again.

    • jason330 says:


    • Alby says:

      In that it won’t remove Trump, yes.

      But McConnell’s trial-rigging is not going unnoticed out there. This is immensely helpful to Senate candidates. It’s also important for historical reasons to get their votes on the record, so future historians understand why the Republican Party disintegrated.