DL Political Weekly: Jan. 3-9, 2020

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 10, 2020

1. The Mantzavinos Candidacy. As we noted earlier this week, Spiros Mantzavinos has filed to challenge Anthony Delcollo in the 7th Senatorial District.  I believe that both the New Castle County Democratic Party and the State Democratic Party did everything they could to entice a candidate into this race. Spiros said yes. There could still be another possibility in this district, but you can’t beat somebody with nobody.  So. Can Mantzavinos win? Yes. To the extent that this election is a referendum on Trump, pretty much any D this side of Sussex County can win.  The last election was a referendum on Patti Blevins, which is why Delcollo won.  Let me be clear–in years like this where the president is such a divisive figure, pretty much any D in a Democratic district can win. So let’s look at SD 7.  In 2016, when Delcollo won, here were the registration figures at election time: 14,776 D; 7116 R; 8567 I. I checked ’em three times.  Blevins had to have run an absolutely horrid campaign to lose in a district with those numbers. Let’s check out the current numbers in this district: 14,883 D; 6907 R; and 8634 I.  I’m calling it right now: After four years of Trump, there is no way that Anthony Delcollo can win reelection against a credible D in this district. It doesn’t matter how great he’s been on constituent matters. Most people have no clue who their State Senator is.  There’s no way that there will be enough crossover voters to reelect Delcollo.  Unless someone else gets in as a D, I think that Mantzavinos will win.  People are coming out in droves to vote against Trump in this district, the so-called ‘uninformed voters’. Delcollo will be collateral damage. Clip ‘n save.

2. The Dixon Candidacy. The triumphalists who basked in the glow of the defeat of Kerri Harris missed the point.  While she lost, a cadre of progressive political enthusiasts got their feet wet and never even took time to lick their wounds. Not to mention, several progressive candidates were elected. (Hey, Kerri resurfaced as Delaware’s Democratic Committeewoman.) These grassroots staffers are now training and running insurgent campaigns in Delaware. Rysheema Dixon is both a beacon for such staffers and a beneficiary as well.  Leftward Delaware has been an early supporter of hers, and she is poised to take on and (I believe) defeat Hanifa Shabazz.  City Council is on the way to becoming a pretty progressive legislative body, which is essential when Mayor Mike is running for reelection as the Gentrifier-In-Chief. Yes, she will have to give up her seat to run since the entire Council is elected every four years.  I hope and assume that there is a stalwart progressive waiting in the wings. Dixon is one of the most exciting progressive hopes to surface in recent years. This would be a great candidacy to get involved with.

3. Primary In City Council District 2. Who knows how many will ultimately run in the district currently represented by Ernest ‘Trippi’ Congo?  We now have Shane (with that French accent thingy) Darby and one Billy Lane, Jr. who have filed.  I’m pretty sure he’s this Billy Lane, Jr.  A ‘bishop’ in the Christian Growth Ministries. Shades of Monique Johns. Darby has the backing of Leftward Delaware.

4. Kent County Levy Court President Brooks Banta Will Not Seek Reelection.  The 84-year-old Banta has endorsed  71-year-old fellow Democrat Joanne Masten to run in his stead. A veritable youth movement in Kent County.  Can an enema get rid of the Kent County ‘old guard’, by which I mean Nancy Cook? She still stands in the way of progress at every turn. BTW, I’m sure that she just loves the fact that fellow Kent County resident Kerri Harris is National Committeewoman. Not.

5. Other Filings This Week: Rep. Paul Baumbach (D-23rd RD) and NCC Clerk Of The Peace Ken Boulden (D).

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  1. Bishop says:

    El som for the record network Delaware does not and cannot endorse due to their tax status.

  2. Bane says:

    Slight disagreement on a very minor point of yours. Let’s not attribute all of these candidates from Network to Kerri. It is not accurate. Her campaign was an effect, not a cause. Rysheema was at the original community organizing trainings that were happening in 2015-16 at the Achievement Center and Friends Meeting House, which later became Network Delaware, and led to her candidacy for at-large in 16′ and Eugene’s campaign for mayor in ’16. She and that movement predates Kerri. Kerri may be when the masses saw this movement, but Drew Serres, the Urban League, Eugene, and others from Wilmington were the catalyst for all of this, including Kerri.

    • Bane says:

      To be clear, that’s no shade toward Kerri. She’s terrific. It like this, the Rolling Stones are great, but we can’t say they invented Rock and Roll and forget about Muddy Waters. (Hope I’m right. You’re the music expert)

      • RE Vanella says:

        Robert Johnson and Charley Patton. But I take your point. It’s cooperate not a competition.

  3. RE Vanella says:

    No progressives born after 1988 live there. Never have never will. Even years from now. Everyone knows this.

    The congressional squad are not popular. Everyone knows this too.

  4. RE Vanella says:

    If you are a big tree
    We are a small axe
    Ready to cut you down
    Cut you down.