Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Sat., Jan. 11, 2020

IC Navarro’s Got Some ‘Splainin’ To Do.  Featuring, and I’m not making this up, “Mitch’s Bitches”. Yes, that Mitch.  As to the reference:

Mitch Crane, who had worked in the state insurance office under former commissioner Matt Denn and unsuccessfully ran for the office in 2012, is also named as a defendant. Crane said he supported Navarro in his campaigns for commissioner and sheriff and has been an official in the state Democratic Party.

Crane left the department in February 2018 and said he shouldn’t be a part of the lawsuit.

“Everything she alleges that was done with her happened after I retired,” Crane said. 

The lawsuit claims there were five women in the office that were trusted by Navarro. They were all associated with Crane and referred to by Navarro during a meeting in his office as “Mitch’s B*****s.”

Delaware politics. An ongoing soap opera.  I hope that ‘Mitch’s Bitches’ make an appearance in the next Hummer’s Parade, if there is one.

Iran Admits They Shot Down Ukrainian Airliner.  It’s safe to predict that Trump will not demand justice for the Ukrainian people.

DOJ Wants Supreme Court To Wait Until After The Election To Kill Obamacare.  Betcha the Supreme Court accedes to that request.

Money Ill-Spent.  $200 mill, and not a single delegate, nor are any likely for America’s Mayor, Part Deux.  At least he has more money than Vince McMahon, who is self-funding his latest XFL venture, almost assuredly with the same results.

Who Is Funding Biden’s Super-PAC?  I’m going out on a limb and claiming that it’s not a whole bunch’a small contributors who love Joe’s positions on the issues. In fact, I predict that every single one of his donors will be found to have been a contributor to Hillary’s campaign. Somewhere, at a near-moribund site, the contributors are mouthing the words ‘Bernie Bros’.

Australia’s Politicians Are To Blame For Its Environmental Wreckage.  This is what happens when you allow the deniers who have huge financial stakes in the worst industries to dominate government.

What do you want to talk about?

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