Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Sun., Jan. 12, 2020

Trump Holds Iraqi $$’s Hostage.  Trump: ‘If you want us out, we’ll deny you access to your money’. Gee, that sounds kinda familiar…

The Case For Sending Only The Second Article Of Impeachment To The Senate For Now.  Gotta say, it’s a pretty compelling case.

There Was No ‘Imminent’ Attack.  This was a policy, long in the making, in search of a rationale.  Instead, they came up with a lie. Great reporting from the NYTimes. Get a subscription, already.

‘Illegal’ Vultures Thwart US Border Security. I can’t make this stuff up. I’m not a religious man, but lest anyone think that God doesn’t have a sense of humor (if there is a God, I mean):

U.S. Customs and Border Protection has a problem with vultures — specifically, roughly 300 of them that are defecating and urinating all over a radio tower that the agency needs to communicate.

The excretion is coating the entire 320-foot tower in southern Texas, including the interior part that workers need to touch, according to a request for information that the agency sent to vendors. The government is seeking a “Vulture Deterrence Netting System” to be installed in August before the birds’ roosting season.

“They will often defecate and vomit from their roost onto buildings below that house employees and equipment,” said the spokesperson, whom Quartz did not name. “There are anecdotes about birds dropping prey from a height of 300 feet, creating a terrifying and dangerous situation for those concerned.”

Beyond the risk of vomit and prey falling from the sky, vultures have sharp nails and beaks that can cause deep scratches. The birds also “regurgitate a reeking and corrosive vomit” ( is there a death metal band that already has a claim on ‘Reeking Vomit’ yet?) that kills bacteria on their legs but also slowly destroys metal, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Hmmm, time for a musical interlude (NSFW)?

 You don’t get this on any other political website.

BTW, these are no doubt Mexican, or perhaps Guatemalan, vultures who were granted bird sanctuary during the Obama Administration. I have it on good authority.

Matt Bittle’s Very Good Legislative Preview.  Featuring, once again, John Carney, Waffler-In-Chief. ‘As a Democrat’, these are good programs. ‘As A Corporate Republican’, there’s no money for them.  I’ve taken off this week from work b/c it’s the first week of session.  And what a week this should be. This promises to be quite the circus. You bring the popcorn, I’ll bring the snark.

What do you want to talk about?


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