Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Mon., Jan. 13, 2020

Bloomberg The Inevitable Nominee?  This guy thinks so. It’s incredibly annoying how ubiquitous his commercials are. If the Presidency can be bought, he might be the one to do it.  BTW, I disagree with this guy’s premise, but you never know.

Calling Anti-War Activists ‘Traitors’ Isn’t Working So Well Anymore.  True, but the reelection strategy is there for all to see:  Win the election (a) with your base and (b) with voter disenfranchisement. That’s it. Popular vote don’t mean shit.

Report: Trump Authorized Soleimani’s Killing Last Summer.  Rand Paul and Mike Lee notwithstanding, Rethugs will turn this into a ‘so-what’ non-event. I mean, sure, it could have started WWIII, but it didn’t, so move on.

Putting An End To ‘Boys Will Be Boys’.  It means putting an end to an unjustifiable justification.

PM Vacationed In Hawaii While Australia Burned.  How will Labor screw up the next election?

Rt. 9 Dispute Hurting Small Businesses.  Delmarva and the Delaware River & Bay Authority. Setting aside the question of just why DRBA has its grubby paws in this mess, I have another one: Where the fuck are the state legislators from the area on this? You were elected to address matters like this. Do it. And, for the subscription-challenged:

A blocked road off of Del. 9 is causing local businesses to lose money, all while two powerful Delaware entities squabble over who is responsible for getting a construction project back on track.

The Delaware River and Bay Authority says Delmarva Power for weeks knew it needed to cut electricity to an area near Del. 9’s intersection with Halcyon Drive so it can replace a sign along the highway.

But Delmarva Power, which says it only recently found out about the issue, says it needs to figure out a way to cut power without affecting nearby residents and local businesses for a lengthy period of time. 

The finger-pointing has left businesses like Edward Harrison’s barbershop and bakery – and his livelihood – hanging in the balance.

Man, I haven’t even figured out yet how to write my preview of Legislative Session for tomorrow.  So many delicious threads to weave together…

What do you want to talk about?

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