A SuxCo Republican Tells the Truth

Filed in Delaware by on January 14, 2020

The New Journal story about the Sussex County GOP meeting at which Nelly Jordan was ousted from her post included this inadvertent bit of truth-telling from a rank-and-file member of that benighted bunch.

Sussex County native Leon Transeau called Jordan a “hard worker,” and said that ousting her over a “single negative remark” would be “horrible.”

“I’d like to see the voting limited to the people who are perfect,” Transeau quipped. “If we were to throw everybody out here who made a racial/ethnic remark, this place would be totally empty. The whole town would be empty.”

Hey, Republicans, one of your own said it. We can only hope this leads to more truth-telling in the Grand Odious Party.

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  1. jason330 says:

    over a “single negative remark” Hmmm…

    How about, “over publicly saying something that we all say to each other privately” ?


    • Alby says:

      Yep, that’s pretty much it.

      They want to be horrible people, and also not to be called on it. These muhfuhs think Trump is Santa Claus and he brought them permission to be bigoted shitgibbons.

      I always wonder why people can’t see the link between “us vs. them” thinking and evangelical Christianity (or fundamentalism of any stripe, really), which is built entirely on the same premise.