Delaware Liberal

COMMENT RESCUE: Legislative Staff Seeks To Organize

This is big, and will also be a fascinating dynamic into the relationship between staff and legislators. Particularly Democratic legislators.  The Reverend RE Vanella tipped us off to this:

Allow me to borrow some of the delicious particulars from this must-read piece:

On Tuesday, state legislative workers in Delaware announced a union drive on the first day of the new session, requesting voluntary recognition from state legislative leaders. Organizers from the Delaware General Assembly Union said on Monday night that a majority of legislative workers have already signed union cards, although Republican legislative staffers—as well as legislative leaders—only found out about the union drive on Tuesday morning. The proposed unit would be affiliated with the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council 81, and would include 44 staffers, including two nonpartisan staffers who work for the Delaware House and Senate clerks.

I can’t tell you how much I love this proposal. Actually, I can. Legislative staff have historically been exempted from the State Merit System, and have been subject to dismissal without any cause having to be presented.  Someone gets a bug up their butt in caucus, and you’re gone.  I know, that’s how my legislative staff career ended after more than 20 years. Val Longhurst popped down to my office, started ripping posters off the wall, and told me I had 20 minutes to vacate the premises.  I was merely the first in her/their ‘at will’ purge, not the last.

I just can’t wait to see how the D legislative leadership reacts to this.  Can you imagine people like Pete, Val and Nicole subject to grievance procedures? But, if they actively fight this, they will expose themselves as hypocrites.

Will they still be able to instruct employees to take their ‘vacation’ time to work on campaigns, which was required during my time there? 

This is so fascinating that I know there’s a zillion questions I haven’t yet thought of.

A fun year just got infinitely–funner.


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