DL Open Thread: Tues., Jan. 14, 2020

Filed in Featured by on January 14, 2020

Wisconsin Judge Demands That Election Board Disenfranchise Voters. Over 200K voters.  Trump’s reelection strategy is right there: (1) Fire up the base; and (2) disenfranchise voters in swing states. That’s it.

OTOH, In Texas…:  This is how you fight back.  Just check out how comprehensive this effort is.

Report: Biden Has Called For Social Security Cuts For 40 Years.  Look for more Biden blarney in 3-2-1.

Why Are Kids Dying In Custody Along The Border?  Hard to believe that the ongoing inhumane treatment of children by this Administration has become relegated to the background. History, if there’s still a planet left, will not be so kind.  These are internment camps by any standard.

FEMA Seeks Repayment For Fighting Cali Fires.  From victims. Instead of, you know, taxpayers’ dollars. Hey, it’s Cali. They’re not voting for Trump anyway.

Sussex County Rethug Vice-Chair Voted Out After Anti-Semitic RantingsIt was a close vote, though, and her supporters aren’t happy. She can only spew her hatred as a private citizen for the next two years during her suspension from Party activities.  Meanwhile, there’s dissension in the Sussex R Party.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. RE Vanella says:


    The staffers in DE GA have unionized!

    American Prospect story by Bunker alum Paul Blest.

    Tide is turning, folks. Absolutely love to see it

  2. RE Vanella says:

    “A lot of people, if not the majority of people on staff, are working in the legislature because they believe in a workers’ right to organize,” organizing committee member and House Democratic Digital Media Director Sam Barry tells the Prospect. “A lot of us have worked on legislation expanding that right. So it feels like a natural place to go with the work we’re already doing.”


    Sam’s another Bunker alum (and Stephanie’s son). I feel something happening.

    Also, Stephanie Barry will be in studio this week to talk about her background and her campaign to unseat lifeguard labor exploiter and closeted Trump supporter Mike Ramone.

    I’ll be in Dover today at the Fight for $15 rally. If you’re down there look for me. Better yet start an argument with me!

    • Mike Dinsmore says:

      Hi, REV,

      I didn’t realize that Mike Ramone was considered a closeted Trump supporter. I thought that it was pretty obvious that Ramone was 100% behind the Mango Mussolini.

  3. All Seeing says:

    Loved that story on Texas. Gives trench fighters hope. Thanks.

  4. Just had to share. We keep track of search terms that lead people to Delaware Liberal.

    The following sent a reader here:

    “Top demonic posts from liberals.”

    Makes me proud.