Highlands Bunker – E49 – Squeezed for Every Nickel

Filed in National by on January 14, 2020

Ed Note: Luckily you don’t have to depend on me getting these posted expeditiously. You can always use your iTunes or even support through Patreon and get them directly in you electronic mail in box.

Wilmington Firefighters Association union president Joseph Leonetti Jr. joins RE Vanella in the bunker to talk about the firefighters’ negotiations with the city of Wilmington and friend of the podcast Mike Purzycki, and their efforts to fight back against local austerity.

Show Notes:

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    Obviously, we’d love a patronage via Patreon. Super producer Karl is finishing up the final semester of his big double major (Political Science and Computer Science). Show him a little love.

    But yeah if you simply want a notification when new ones drop you can also subscribe on iTunes here:


    Our Bonus Episode “No War With Iran” has also been released and I’m very excited to do something a bit different for our first real milestone show. We record The 50th Episode this evening. Karl and Producer emeritus Margaret Hu take the reins and turn the table. They interrogate yours truly and Was not given questions in advance.

    (I’m honestly intrigued. It’s my understanding Margaret and Karl have been working on a secret dossier. Oh boy.)