If Democrats want to win the White House, they’ll nominate Bernie Sanders

Filed in National by on January 14, 2020

Yes. It is that simple.

The largest political party in America is the None of the Above Party, which garners more support than either the Democrats or the Republicans: that means that motivating eligible voters to go to the polls matters more than anything else when it comes to determining the outcome of federal elections.

By far the largest group of eligible voters in the None of the Above Party is young people, and Bernie Sanders polls higher among young eligible voters than any other candidate, by a huge margin. In 2016, Sanders commanded more support from young voters than Clinton and Trump combined.

Since then, Sanders has only increased his support among young potential voters — even as younger voters have, in turn, increased their turnout. In the 2018 midterms, turnout from young people flipped many seats, and the organizations that represent young people are predicting even bigger turnouts in 2020.

One of these organizations, the Dream Defenders Fight PAC, sums up the power of Sanders: “Bernie is not our political savior. It is the movement behind him that will change this country. We are not electing a savior; we are electing a political opponent who we will hold accountable to meet our demands.”

This represents an important contrast with Obama in 2008: Obama was a once-in-a-generation orator whose soaring rhetoric inspired a movement that changed the voter turnout numbers and took him into office. But Obama was deeply mistrustful of political movements and literally switched off the servers that ran his grassroots organizer network when he took office.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. RE Vanella says:


  2. capesdelaware says:

    Bernie is scary guy . As a Democrat I will vote for him but do not understand his appeal .Watch him on TV and he seems crazy . I am 70. What appeal will he have to young or black voters?. Who will be his Vice president ?

  3. Mouse says:

    I think I’m voting Bernie but I do like Warren. I’m so confused dammit!

  4. Jason330 says:

    Warren is my #2, but she didn’t do herself any favors last night.

    If Dems nominate Klobuchar, I’m selling everything and moving to Italy.

  5. ben says:

    I will settle for Warren as senate majority leader in 2022 when AOC relieves us of


  6. delacrat says:

    The donor caste is amply represented in Delaware’s 4/28/2020 Presidential Primary, … not a good sign.


    • Alby says:

      There might as well be only one name on the Democratic side. The only question is how high Biden’s percentage will be. It would make a good poll question; I’d put the over/under at between 65 and 70%.

      Please note that this is not what I’d like to see happen, just what I would predict if I had to bet on it.