Delaware Liberal

The utterly pitiful state of the DEGOP should be a big story, why isn’t it?

One party in Delaware is just about fucking done, and it never gets mentioned in the media. The DEGOP has ZERO legitimate candidates for any statewide office and one illegitimate candidate running for the US Senate (if you think the complete fucking lunatic mentioned here even rises to the level of being an illegitimate candidate.)

It isn’t at all surprising that the DEGOP can’t find anyone to run. Only a complete fucking lunatic would run as a greenhorn in a state that hasn’t elected a Republican non-incumbent statewide during a Presidential election year SINCE 1976. SINCE 1976.

So this pitiful state is not a mystery. There is no Watergate like trail of evidence that needs to be painstakingly pieced together. No News Journal or DSN reporter would have to uncover some heretofore unknown facts to write up this story. Hell, they could even speak directly to DelCollo and Cloutier to see if those two want to be seen representing the Party of Donald Trump. It would be a longshot, but they could try. And NOT being able to get them on the record supporting their own political party would support the premise of the story, wouldn’t it? Yes, it would.

That this pitiful shambles isn’t a story is no doubt due to the fact that we have “Democrats” like Carney and Coons trying desperately to keep the fiction alive that the DEGOP is an actual going concern. Where would Carney be without pretending to have his hands tied? But the local media doesn’t work for Carney or Coons, does it? Why are they taking part in pretending that this Potemkin village of a party is still legit? It’s a mystery.

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