The utterly pitiful state of the DEGOP should be a big story, why isn’t it?

Filed in National by on January 14, 2020

One party in Delaware is just about fucking done, and it never gets mentioned in the media. The DEGOP has ZERO legitimate candidates for any statewide office and one illegitimate candidate running for the US Senate (if you think the complete fucking lunatic mentioned here even rises to the level of being an illegitimate candidate.)

It isn’t at all surprising that the DEGOP can’t find anyone to run. Only a complete fucking lunatic would run as a greenhorn in a state that hasn’t elected a Republican non-incumbent statewide during a Presidential election year SINCE 1976. SINCE 1976.

So this pitiful state is not a mystery. There is no Watergate like trail of evidence that needs to be painstakingly pieced together. No News Journal or DSN reporter would have to uncover some heretofore unknown facts to write up this story. Hell, they could even speak directly to DelCollo and Cloutier to see if those two want to be seen representing the Party of Donald Trump. It would be a longshot, but they could try. And NOT being able to get them on the record supporting their own political party would support the premise of the story, wouldn’t it? Yes, it would.

That this pitiful shambles isn’t a story is no doubt due to the fact that we have “Democrats” like Carney and Coons trying desperately to keep the fiction alive that the DEGOP is an actual going concern. Where would Carney be without pretending to have his hands tied? But the local media doesn’t work for Carney or Coons, does it? Why are they taking part in pretending that this Potemkin village of a party is still legit? It’s a mystery.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (29)

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  1. delacrat says:

    When the politics of Christine O’Donnell resides in the person of Chris Coons, the DEGOP is not dead, but merely redundant.

    Vote Jessica Scarane 2020

    • Alby says:

      Let’s not go overboard. Coons is a coward and an ass, but he’s not voting to outlaw abortion.

      • James Rubin says:

        Then explain his votes for judges that are against reproductive rights. The truth is, when it comes down to it, Coons will not do anything beyond work to enrich himself.

        We have no choice but to rally behind Jessica. I encourage everyone to volunteer and donate.

        • RE Vanella says:

          Folks, Jamie Rubin just headed us with a comment. Trust me, this is huge.

          Please give $25 each to Jess Scarane immediately.

        • Alby says:

          I didn’t mean that as any support for him. I thought we knew why he votes for unqualified judges — he’s a coward and an ass. I’ll add phony if that helps.

          • James Rubin says:

            Alright, maybe this is semantics but there’s no real difference to me between “voting to outlaw abortion” and “voting for Trump judges who will outlaw it”.

            • Alby says:

              Only SCOTUS judges can do that. He voted against Gorsuch and BeerBoy.

              He’s always going to split the difference if he can. He’s a coward.

            • RE Vanella says:

              In Chris Coons’ defense, he makes friends by voting to appoint those judges. I mean I guess they’re cool. We don’t know them.

              • James Rubin says:

                He’s a lonely boy. I suggest we retire him so he has more time to hang out with Jeff.

              • Alby says:

                I’d worry that he’d retire to MSNBC to further his career as a voice of reason and moderation. I don’t know if he could survive without TV cameras in front of him.

  2. mediawatch says:

    Have you already forgotten Ken Simpler — non-incumbent elected treasurer, or doesn’t treasurer count? Or doesn’t it count because of the incumbent he defeated?
    Or Mike Castle — elected governor in 1984, or doesn’t that count because he was the Lt.Gov. at the time?
    That said … why does the GOP have to bother with nominating candidates when Carney and Coons are doing their work while wearing DINO costumes? And Carper isn’t a hell of a lot better.
    I’ve said it before, the best thing the DE GOP could do this year is nominate Carney for governor.

    • jason330 says:

      Listen – Ken Simpler was elected in a Presidential midterm. The link has the whole story for your reading pleasure. I made a typo. the sentence now reads: … in a state that hasn’t elected a Republican non-incumbent statewide during a Presidential election year SINCE 1976.

      Thanks for the proofing.

      Also Castle is covered in that thread. It was the swap which you’d have to be a hairsplitter to claim that one. The LT Gov, again, was a Presidential mid-term.

  3. Alby says:

    With all due respect, I think it has more to do with “local” media’s lack of local ownership.

    The more interesting story is why an overwhelmingly Democratic state has such a lack of progressive policies. The answer is the one you’ve hit on — with “Democrats” like ours, who needs Republicans?

    • jason330 says:

      And yet, there is this conceit embedded in all political stories that we have a “two party” system.

      It is clearly false on its face. It will be more clear that the DEGOP is a regional rump regional party after Decollo and Cloutier lose – but still it is effectively a rump regional party today, and nobody goes there.

      And, yes – you could say that there are two parties within the Democratic Party, but that story isn’t getting written either because it would blow up the myth that the DEGOP is a going concern.

  4. jason330 says:

    I had hoped that these numbers were going to be even better for the sake of the story but still, Democratic voter registration has significantly outpaced Republican voter registration over the past 10 years:

    Dems + 17% from 287k to 336k
    Rs + 8% from 180k to 196k

    In that same period the population of the state grew by 9% from 898k to 983k.

  5. jason330 says:

    On the Dem side 24 non-incumbents have filed to run in Delaware – the DEGOP has 3 in the starting blocks, …three. And one is a whack job who wants to abolish divorce.

    C’mon. This story writes itself.

  6. All Seeing says:

    Rick Jensen did not help DE GOP very much. For eight years Jensen used talking points that Rush used but it didn’t work in Delaware. The Al Misetti Show countered all his bull shit. Al’s show was the Cat’s meow I miss him very much.

    • Alby says:

      The word you’re looking for is “retired.” And the fact that people are still talking about me four years after I left refutes your claim about no one noticing.

      Jealous much?

    • Jason330 says:

      Agree with this. That dummy watches Sean Hannity every night and just repeats it everyday.


  7. Harold says:

    I knew I remembered reading a story about the fall of the GOP around the election. Took some searching but I found and

    Not quite the “GOP is a minor party” story, but I found these articles interesting

  8. jason330 says:

    Republicans Running Unopposed: 17
    Democrats Running unopposed: 56

    Fifty fucking SIX! Are you kidding me?

    Fucking amazing. What a fucking shit show the DEGOP is.

    BTW – This is why we need Progressive challenges to the dusty old farts like McBride who are trying to keep the DEGOP alive in spirit. The Dem primary IS the election.