DL Open Thread: Weds., Jan. 15, 2020

Filed in Featured by on January 15, 2020

The Debate That Didn’t Matter. No diversity, and no real discussion. CNN ensured that there was no real discussion. ‘Gotcha’ questions and obsessed with being time-traffic cops. That debate sucked. Here’s one for the REV, though: My youngest daughter, who has always been a Bernie supporter, has finally convinced my wife to make a $27 contribution to his campaign.  While I’m with Elizabeth for now, I will end up supporting the progressive who I think has the best chance to capture the nomination.

Parnas Drops A Treasure Trove Of Corruption Into Legislators’ Laps.  Sadly, I think we’ve gone past the ‘critical mass’ stage to the ‘I don’t care anymore’ stage. This is especially true of Trump’s Senate lapdogs, who never cared in the first place.

Flynn Withdraws Guilty Plea.  No doubt seeking to draw things out until Trump can pardon him w/o political consequence.

Iran Rejects ‘Trump Deal’ On Nuclear Weapons.  Seems unreasonable to me. The Trump brand has always represented the highest hallmark of integrity.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    Quality parenting, clearly.

    The photo that accompanies the Delawareonline article about the Fight for $15 rally shows me throwing shade on Dave McBride.


    Of course it’s just nicked from the Dover Post.

    Also, Coby was there. He was interviewed by WDEL. I didn’t see Linda Gray.

  2. Dana says:

    It looks like Elizabeth Warren is doubling down on her claim that Bernie Sanders told her a woman couldn’t win the election; Mr Sanders said that it never happened. One of them has to be lying.

    Can a woman beat Donald Trump? Look at the men on the #DemDebate stage tonight. Collectively, they have lost ten elections. The only people on this stage who have won every single election that they’ve been in are the women: @AmyKlobuchar and me. #DemDebate

    I have been surprised that this fine site, filled with Bernie Bros as it is, has completely ignored this story since it broke.

    • ben says:

      its entirely possible that Bernie is concerned America, given our track record, will be able ot overcome the magatry and vote for a woman to be president. We may be slitting our own throats over semantics here. There is a difference in thinking a woman can BE president and thinking america will elect a woman.
      I have the same concerns with a Jew. the GOP will be both antisemitic AND accuse Bernie of being some sort of “anti Jewish Jew”. It’ll be very effective for a lot of voters.

      • ben says:

        but your glib attempt to bring it up is likely why no one is bothering to talk about it. It’s a nothing story pushed by the magats and billionaires.

        • Dana says:

          Actually, it was kind of pushed by CNN last night!

          • Alby says:

            The media’s favorite game is one named by psychiatrist Eric Berne in “Games People Play.” It’s called “Let’s You and Him Fight.”

            This is why you see (if you’re foolish enough to watch) DC reporters running back and forth to ask politicians, “He called you a ____. What’s your response?”

            It’s not news, it’s gossip. Everything you need to understand the psychology of the media you learned in high school — and I don’t mean in the classroom.

          • ben says:

            oh well if CNN, a network entirely dedicated to having trump in office so people watch their “coverage” says so THEN IT MUST BE TRUE.

    • Alby says:

      “I have been surprised that this fine site, filled with Bernie Bros as it is, has completely ignored this story since it broke.”

      It actually has more Warren supporters, and the hand-wringers who cared about petty bullshit and intersectional purity all left for bluer pastures.

      Either one is better than any of the alternatives. Any other questions?

  3. RE Vanella says:

    Non story. No one believes it. Bernie has a 50 year track record of civil rights work from segregated housing in the 60s to gay & lesbian pride in the 80s.

    It’s well known he asked Warren to run for president in 2016.

    There are videos of him talking about the need for more female politicians at every level going back to the early 80s.

    This “story” will have zero impact except for Warren who looks petty and stupid.

    Ok. There. We discussed it.

    • Dana says:

      While I don’t know if it’s true or not, there are a lot of people who do believe it. CNN has pushed it, and Mrs Warren’s supporters seem to believe it. True or not, it’s a bit of a sensational story, and sensational stories are what make waves in the media. Who cares about the slight differences between their ‘green new deal’ proposals?

      • Alby says:

        All true, but what you’ll hear here is that nobody cares about this Harry High School horseshit. The media is obsessed with it because it takes no effort on their part. It’s clickbait. See my comment above.

  4. RE Vanella says:

    CNN pushed it!*


    *rube mentality

  5. Rufus Y. Kneedog says:

    “No doubt seeking to draw things out until Trump can pardon him w/o political consequence.”
    It’s darkly humorous to me thinking about how many ardent Trump supporters are secretly hoping he loses so they can wheedle a lame duck pardon from him for their cocaine possessing / tax evading / drunk driving deadbeat brother in law. Just before he leaves office there’s going to be a jailbreak of epic proportions.

  6. RE Vanella says:

    Bernie has more female support for those younger than 45 years of age than male support.

    Makes you think.



    CNN’s not pushing it!

  7. Arthur says:

    I want to vote for the Larry David version of Bernie

  8. Alby says:

    I haven’t paid close attention to the Parnas document dump, but Charles Pierce offers what seems to be a tidy summary:
