Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Weds., Jan. 15, 2020

The Debate That Didn’t Matter. No diversity, and no real discussion. CNN ensured that there was no real discussion. ‘Gotcha’ questions and obsessed with being time-traffic cops. That debate sucked. Here’s one for the REV, though: My youngest daughter, who has always been a Bernie supporter, has finally convinced my wife to make a $27 contribution to his campaign.  While I’m with Elizabeth for now, I will end up supporting the progressive who I think has the best chance to capture the nomination.

Parnas Drops A Treasure Trove Of Corruption Into Legislators’ Laps.  Sadly, I think we’ve gone past the ‘critical mass’ stage to the ‘I don’t care anymore’ stage. This is especially true of Trump’s Senate lapdogs, who never cared in the first place.

Flynn Withdraws Guilty Plea.  No doubt seeking to draw things out until Trump can pardon him w/o political consequence.

Iran Rejects ‘Trump Deal’ On Nuclear Weapons.  Seems unreasonable to me. The Trump brand has always represented the highest hallmark of integrity.

What do you want to talk about?

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