DL Open Thread: Fri., Jan. 17, 2020

Filed in Featured by on January 17, 2020

How Much Of The Impeachment Trial Will Be Cloaked In Secrecy?  McConnell is already imposing restrictions on the press, and the Senate is likely to go into closed meetings.  People will talk, though. Especially politicians.  Look for more Chris Coons than you can stand.

Trump’s DC Hotel: A Breeding Ground For Corruption. BTW, there’s a cocktail that goes for $100. They dump some caviar in it.

Rethugs, Rethuglican Court, Reimplement Voter Suppression In Florida.  Like I’ve said, Trump’s reelection strategy reads like this: 1. Completely mobilize your base.  2. Suppress the vote.  That’s it.  Some temporary good news from Wisconsin, though…

Treasury IG Investigates Tax Break Meant To Go To Poor, But Went Instead To Billionaires, Including Trump Pals.  Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe this is the same tax break that Mayor Mike and Buccini/Pollin hijacked to build yet more luxury condos in center city.  Which reminds me, why is that not a big story in Delaware?

Will Wesley Feed At The Public Trough In Order To Survive?  Maybe they should just be allowed to open a Racino.  The Honorables are suckers when it comes to throwing money at them.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Nancy Willing says:

    If there is no actual audio or visual recording of the proceedings, their scratch pad scribbles will have to do? Mind boggles at the predicted GOP standing with “their” truth in hand. Will there at least be a live transcription created for the official Congressional record of the trial…..wondering aloud.

  2. Guess who just joined Trump’s legal team? Ken Starr. Because, of course, what Clinton did was far worse than the blatant criminality of Trump. Also, Alan Dershowitz.

  3. Wendy says:

    Dershowitz is very telling. He is a liberal democrat who voted for Hillary but he sees this charade for what it really is and defending the constitution. I know you don’t believe any of that but it is the truth.