Delaware Liberal

Coons Office Stonewalling Press Inquiries Related to the Notorious Aflalfa Club Parties?

On Saturday, January 25th, Coons spent the afternoon listening to Trump’s lawyers defend him in the Senate.  On the evening of Saturday, January 25th, Coon shifted to listening to Trump’s family and friends defend him over cocktails at Jeff Bezos’ house.   It is a stone cold fact that during his time as sworn juror in the trial of President Trump Coons partied with Trump’s daughter Ivanka and others very close to the President at the notorious Alfalfa Club.

At best this is poor judgement, and at worst it reveals Coons for the bloated out of touch plutocrat that he is.  

In an attempt to see if this was merely very poor judgment which Coons now regrets I called  his Press Secretary Sean Coit this morning identifying myself as Jason from Delaware Liberal.   Sean Coit didn’t take the call but instructed the perfectly charming telephone answering person to ask me to put my questions in an email.  

Here is what I sent:

Hi Sean,

Just a couple quick questions for Coons regarding the notorious Alfalfa Club.    

Does Coons regret going to the notorious Alfalfa Club and socializing with Ivanka Trump and many others very close to the President on the very day that he heard the President’s lawyers begin their defense of him in the Senate?

Does Coons think he can remain true to his juror’s oath of impartiality given his personal friendships with the Trump supporting billionaires in the notorious Alfalfa Club?  

Did Coons rent that tux at the mall, or was it possibly his older brother’s on loan?  Does Coons even have an older brother?  



Delaware Liberal 


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