DL Open Thread: Fri., Jan. 31, 2020

Filed in Open Thread by on January 31, 2020

Today is a day that will live in obloquy: Britain’s last day in the European Union and Donald Trump’s exoneration by the U.S. Senate. Don’t get mad, get even.

The coronavirus is spreading around the world, even as airlines cancel flights to and from China. I’m looking forward to the stories of anti-vaxxers who purposely expose their kids to the virus at coronavirus parties.

John Delaney, an ex-congressman from Maryland, reminded people he was running for the Democratic nomination for president by dropping out of the race.

The 200,000-member postal workers’ union has endorsed Bernie Sanders for president. Snail-mailers unite!

The Inouye space telescope has taken the most close-up pictures of the sun’s surface ever. Turns out it looks a lot like a closeup of Trump’s skin.

With Democrats still lacking a clear choice for the presidential nomination, a historian takes a look back at the history of brokered conventions. Spoiler alert: They can turn out well or badly, depending on who the party poobahs pick.

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  1. Danske Spil den lange resultater | February 2, 2020
  1. bamboozer says:

    “Brokered Convention” is code for the corporations and the rich get what they want, that being a “centrist” like Biden or Bloomberg, they also get a ton of anger and a deep feeling of betrayal from the parties base. Sounds like the way to go if defeat is your goal.

  2. El Somnambulo says:

    I am certain of this: The Rethugs are rushing through the acquittal of Trump so that he can take a victory lap on (I’m not making this up) his interview with Sean Hannity during Fox’s Super Bowl coverage.

    WEHT to the Equal Time Provision?

  3. RE Vanella says:

    “And with Mr. Sanders surging days before voting begins with the Iowa caucuses, an intriguing theme has emerged: Much of his momentum, polling shows, owes to the support of nonwhite voters — particularly African-American and Hispanic Democrats.”

    NYT today.⤵️


    I was lead to believe otherwise!

    “intriguing theme”… means we tried to fool you but the gig’s up.

    • liberalgeek says:

      Right now Sanders is around 10% in SC with African-American voters. Biden is at 44%. That could certainly change as Iowa and NH play out, but Sanders really needs to make his case to those voters in the next few weeks.

      And the Sanders team has been very good at the caucus organizing, so it could certainly work out for him.

      • RE Vanella says:

        See also NV, CA… I’m not scared. SC is an outlier now.

        I’m hosting a phone bank for Bernie this evening. We’re goddamn relentless.

  4. RE Vanella says:

    Don’t forget the rally on 26th & Market Sunday at 3pm. Maybe an unarmed kid shot by police will inspire you to stand in solidarity with the community. It’s fun!

    Here is a trivia question for today. A local political operative called me a white supremacist this week on the internet. Guess who.

    • mediawatch says:

      Since you want us to guess rather than search …. Sam Guy?
      Second guess … Hanifa Shabazz.

  5. RE Vanella says:

    Good guesses. I see the logic there. But no on both counts. The fact it was deep in the bowels of the most depraved social media platform going excludes fossilized relics important to only a very narrow constituency. This person is still relevant. Hanging on for dear life.