Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Tues., Feb. 11, 2020

Now where was I?  Oh, yes…

Biden Campaign Sliding Towards OblivionTowards OblivionTowards Oblivion.  I can’t help but wonder whether candidacies like those of Cory Booker and Kamala Harris would have survived if not for the aura of inevitability surrounding Biden.  He will end up as one of the worst serial candidates for President in history.  I, for one, will shed no tears at the demise of this embarrassment of a campaign. I thought his campaign would have died months ago. However, once the votes began to be counted, his candidacy was done, over, finito.

Those ‘Headaches’ Are Brain Injuries.  Remember how Trump bragged that the Iranian reprisal for the assassination of Soleimani resulted in only a ‘few headaches’?  The truth is much worse.  More than 100 brain injuries to US troops. And counting.

‘Pro-Choice Terrorism’?  A ‘thing’ that exists only in the mind of the FBI Director.  Never mind that that there is not a single recorded incident of pro-choice terrorism, but a whole bunch of little lies play into the Big Lie that underlies this criminal presidency.

Border Patrol Retirees: “Where Did We Go Wrong?”.  A fascinating reflection on the growth, both in size and corruption, of the Border Patrol.

Could Coronavirus ‘Infect 60% Of Global Population If Unchecked’?  One public health epidemiologist says it could.

Many Accidents Waiting To Happen. Current plans for the new Transit Center at the Wilmington AMTRAK Station seem unnecessarily dangerous.  Quick, somebody wake up the Governor!

University Of Delaware: Elitist, Not Elite.  Yet another arrogant UD President in a long line of arrogant UD presidents toes the company line.  The General Assembly could curtail that cash spigotif they chose to do so. I think they should.

What do you want to talk about?

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