DL Open Thread: Tues., Feb. 11, 2020

Filed in Featured by on February 11, 2020

Now where was I?  Oh, yes…

Biden Campaign Sliding Towards OblivionTowards OblivionTowards Oblivion.  I can’t help but wonder whether candidacies like those of Cory Booker and Kamala Harris would have survived if not for the aura of inevitability surrounding Biden.  He will end up as one of the worst serial candidates for President in history.  I, for one, will shed no tears at the demise of this embarrassment of a campaign. I thought his campaign would have died months ago. However, once the votes began to be counted, his candidacy was done, over, finito.

Those ‘Headaches’ Are Brain Injuries.  Remember how Trump bragged that the Iranian reprisal for the assassination of Soleimani resulted in only a ‘few headaches’?  The truth is much worse.  More than 100 brain injuries to US troops. And counting.

‘Pro-Choice Terrorism’?  A ‘thing’ that exists only in the mind of the FBI Director.  Never mind that that there is not a single recorded incident of pro-choice terrorism, but a whole bunch of little lies play into the Big Lie that underlies this criminal presidency.

Border Patrol Retirees: “Where Did We Go Wrong?”.  A fascinating reflection on the growth, both in size and corruption, of the Border Patrol.

Could Coronavirus ‘Infect 60% Of Global Population If Unchecked’?  One public health epidemiologist says it could.

Many Accidents Waiting To Happen. Current plans for the new Transit Center at the Wilmington AMTRAK Station seem unnecessarily dangerous.  Quick, somebody wake up the Governor!

University Of Delaware: Elitist, Not Elite.  Yet another arrogant UD President in a long line of arrogant UD presidents toes the company line.  The General Assembly could curtail that cash spigotif they chose to do so. I think they should.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    Speaking of Biden’s slide into Oblivion…


    Bernie has opened up an eight point lead over Biden nationally with non-white voters. Thanks Bernie bros! Though I was lead to believe… 🤓

  2. RE Vanella says:

    I mean I feel you El Som. I was lead to believe a lot of stuff in electoral realm that turns out isn’t true. Makes you think

  3. El Somnambulo says:

    The Aura Of Inevitability is different than inevitability. I’m just referencing what appears to be a surfacing meme.

    • Dana says:

      As I recall, Hillary Clinton had that ‘aura of inevitability.’

      After the New Hampshire votes are counted, Joe Biden will be not just toast, but toast that fell on the floor, buttered side down. The question is: will Elizabeth Warren also be done?

  4. El Somnambulo says:

    LA Cops Stop Black Motorists, Falsely Classify Them As Gang Members:


  5. RE Vanella says:

    International solidarity. The Artist Taxi Driver is on the ground in NH. All the way from London UK…


  6. Arthur says:

    from what i saw, in-state tuition at UofD, all in with room and board is nearly $30k a year. why? in-state for my neice in NC with room and board is roughly $18,500/year. really? UofD is that much more valuable than UNC? One of my kids is applying to UVA and instate that is about $19k all in.

  7. John Kowalko says:

    Those types of numbers run through many other Northeast and neighboring states public universities. UD is one of the least affordable state option public universities and brands itself as private when its finances and inner workings are scrutinized or questioned.
    Rep. Kowalko

    • Arthur says:

      I just read your oped and if 120mil a year every delaware student who is accepted to UofD could have free room and board and there would still be 10mil left over

      • Alby says:

        But that would mean less tuition money from out-of-state students, which is why UD and its enablers in Dover are steering in-state kids to DelTech.

        If they want to claim that the education is just as good, they could prove it by telling us how many of Wilmington’s corporate lawyers are DelTech alumni.

        • Arthur says:

          for a delaware student going to UofD, to start at del tech is the best option. the seed program pays the first 2 years there and then you transfer to UofD and finish the final 2 there and still have a bachelors from the university.

          • Alby says:

            As I said, see how many people get hired for top jobs with that education track on their resume. Especially white men. That would be pretty f’ing close to zero.

            • Arthur says:

              they have no idea they went to del tech. their diploma only says UofD bachelors in whatever. its the best path. half the cost and the same degree

              • Alby says:

                OK, you’re right. But we both know they’re not doing it to cut parents a break. They’re doing it for the money. And doing it is costing taxpayers a bundle in funding for DelTech, which punches way above its weight in political clout because it gives out jobs to the politically connected.

    • Jason330 says:

      John –

      Why is the President of UD, one of the highest paid Univ Pres in the country?

    • Not a Socialist Dem says:

      JK – Finally something we agree on – U of D absolutely should be mandated to take in a certian percent of DE residents or return the tax dollars.

  8. bamboozer says:

    30K to go to U.of D? Ridiculous for a state school, a state school that seems to be run like a racket. On a lighter note when I attended the school tuition was $500 a semester in my final year.

  9. RE Vanella says:

    This is why people laugh when they’re told to work their way through “waiting tables”.

    It’s also why when people talk about full student loan debt forgiveness it reasonates.

    (*It would also be the greatest economic stimulus of all time.)

    This is my TED Talk

  10. RE Vanella says:

    How about tomorrow’s song is New York City Cops by the Stokes? Massive closer last night at the Bernie rally as police tried in vain to shut in down.

  11. Barr Pulls Rug Out From Under Stone Prosecutors:


    There is no justice. There is no Justice Department.

  12. RE Vanella says:

    Come on.

    • Alby says:

      Keeping investigations in the news is valuable. New corruption revelations already being relegated. No outrage over sacking of civil servants.

      Biggest problem right now is feeling of helpless defeatism. Need rallying points.


      Ever read William Shirer?

      • RE Vanella says:

        Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. Yeah a bit at college. Wouldn’t say I know it.

        I don’t feel defeated. My side is ascendent. All the energy is with us. We have a rally point.

        Did those 8,000 people at the rally last night look defeated?

        I get fighting on many fronts. But this one look likes a huge dead end. No upside I can discern.

  13. Looks like Bernie is building a solid lead in NH. Buttigieg and Klobuchar battling for second. Biden appears headed for a 5th place finish.

  14. RE Vanella says:


    From the NYT…

    NEWS: Bernie Sanders is raising an estimated $1.25 million *per day* in February, according to stats released by campaign today.

    He had 600,000 donations in first 9 days of February.

  15. Yang is suspending his campaign.

  16. RE Vanella says:

    NBC reporting they project both Biden & Warren will be sub 15%.

    Zero delegates. Nil.

    Come to Jesus.

  17. Jee-zus. I’ve heard this Klobuchar speech at least four times already. It’s more a filibuster than a speech.

  18. RE Vanella says:

    I’ll refer everyone to my comment regarding the etymology of the word unity posted earlier this evening on Blue Delaware.

  19. OK, I’ll be the contrarian. I’m not thrilled if I’m a Bernie supporter. If he wins NH by 3 or 4 points, that’s not really an overwhelming win in a neighboring state. With Warren’s poor showing, I would have thought he’d do better.

    And, for all the Klobuchar happy talk, she’s finishing a distant third behind Buttigieg, and it’s not clear where she can be competitive again.

  20. RE Vanella says:

    I’m a Bernie supporter. I can report that I’m good. Italy’s won four World Cups winning matches one nil. Only votes count. Polls don’t. I feel like we’re ascendent.

  21. McGovern says:

    As a lifelong Democrat I shouldn’t be surprised at our unique ability to screw things up, but here we are.

    We’re going to have four more years of Trump. And, if Bernie is at the top, every Democrat across the country will have to deal with SOCIALIST being hung around their neck.

    So, it was a fun dream that we might actually use the worst President in American history to build a new generational Democratic majority, but at least Virgil Texas got some great burns on Joe Biden on twitter.

    As a liberal, it’s always been clear to me that my fellow travelers have no idea how to obtain power and, if they somehow bumble their way into it, have zero fucking clue what to actually do with it.

    • Alby says:

      And this is because Bernie won NH by a few percentage points?

      Who were we going to build this new generational Democratic majority behind, and why can’t we do it anymore?

  22. RE Vanella says:

    They hate him so much he keeps winning. A lifelong Democrat who’s pseudonym is McGovern. Anti-war candidate. War’s over, Mac. We lost.

    Do you think as Chris Matthews does that they’ll be a purge?

  23. RE Vanella says:

    I’m old enough to remember a certain Marxist from Kenya who attended a madrasa, etc. He was a black guy.

    Bernie is clearly Khrushchev’s puppet. Very sympathetic to Fidel I hear. Unfortunately they’re both dead.

    Instead of trains to Siberia Bernie’s going to do free public transit to your doctor’s appointment. Also free at the point of service.

  24. RE Vanella says:

    I remember when Biden was the frontrunner and was going to win because all the black folks.

    I guess I’ll put it this way. Maybe the match isn’t over. But Bernie getting the most votes in each state is good. Hence I’m not scared.

    Generally speaking, I love the teeth gnashing regarding underwhelming victories. I’ll take that all day ever day. NV and SC next. I feel pretty fine. If you want to bite your nails over victories and Mayo Pete. Go ahead. I’m not.

    Historically the candidate with the most votes in IA & NH does well in the primary process.

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