DL Open Thread: Weds., Feb. 12, 2020

Filed in Featured by on February 12, 2020

Nevada: More Of The Same For Biden?  Captain Obvious Sez: The trend is not his friend. Just look at that poll.  You know what Biden did? He used up all the oxygen in the room, which led to the demise of some worthy candidacies. Booker, Castro, Harris, even Inslee. Once the voting started, it was clear that this was at best a nostalgia tour, with his legendarily bad campaign team reunited for one last electoral burial, this time behind a candidate devoid of energy.  Look at the bright side: Amazon will be giving away copies of ‘Promise Me Dad’. He still has a bit of a firewall in South Carolina, but his lead has been melting away there as well.

Prosecutors Quit As Trump/Barr Intervene In Political Cases–Including Roger Stone And Michael Flynn.  Criminals unleashed in broad daylight while the criminal conspiracy that is the Rethuglican Party collectively shrugs.  Only a matter of time before the pardons start flowing.

Georgia On My Mind. The political demographics of this state are changing for the better even faster than Rethugs can throw people off the voting rolls. The Sleeper State Of The Year. Cut ‘n save.

The Obscene Profits Of Big Oil. An almost incomprehensible (to me, anyway) $2 trillion since 1990 while hiding the disastrous effects of their rapaciousness from the public.

Jane Brady In High Dudgeon.  When your Party has exploited racial resentment since 1964, there’s not much you can do other than go after a legislator who (rightfully) disses Presidential Medal Of Honor recipient Rush Limbaugh for his racism.  Hey, Jane’s no Feminazi. 

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    One of the things that entertains me as I get myself more and more familiar with the culture & machinations of Legislative Hall is the way the absolutely brain-dead reactionaries despise Townsend and call him a radical lib and target him with coordinated attacks.

    I know it’s because he was (along with Sturgeon) the face of the failed gun control bill. Here’s a little secret. It’s great for us. Focus of the affluent white neoliberals! Bloomberg is big on gun control too! Get ’em. 😂😂😂

    Townsend is a leadership seeking, higher office hunting careerist. The gun control issue in Delaware, as currently framed, is so utterly dumb.

    The rank stupidity of all this tickles me.

    Also, big shout out to the cancer in Limbaugh’s lungs. They’re braver than any troop.

  2. Alby says:

    “Hey, Jane’s no Feminazi.”

    Nope, she’s the old-fashioned kind of Nazi.

  3. All Seeing says:

    Status quo Joe on life support = After New Hampshire it’s clear: Joe Biden’s campaign is on life support | Richard Wolffe https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/feb/11/new-hampshire-joe-biden-campaign?CMP=share_btn_tw
    When 45 let’s Stone off, his polls will drop in the low 30’s and GOP will soil them self’s.
    The Trillion dollar deficit will sink the entire GOP why? Voter will know their social security is on the ballot.
    Your doing great mixing local (Joe) and national (Trump/Barr)
    Just keep it coming.

  4. RE Vanella says:

    Food for thought.

    I was never one to make the “both sides are the same” argument. Voted for Clinton, me.

    But the Corporate Democratic establishment deputizing a tyrannical little oligarch who’s on audio making bigoted statements re:stop and frisk and is paying bribes for endorsements to local electeds in the form of 501(c)(4) grants he operates is suspicious.

    DNC changed the debate rules!

    I’m sure his tough stance on guns and large sodas will really play well I’m those areas of WI, MI and PA we really need.

    Come on….

  5. Dana says:

    Yes, the furthest left candidate won, but when you take the totals of the two ‘progressives,’ Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, 102.544 total votes, or 34.2% (96% of precincts reporting), and compare them to the three (purported) moderates, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar and Joe Biden, 154,033, or 52.9%, you have to think, hey, maybe the ‘progressives’ didn’t win.

    • Alby says:

      The progressives have been under attack by the moderates, with the help of the media, ever since Warren briefly took the lead. They have slain Warren, and are now free to concentrate solely on Bernie.

      Doesn’t matter. Vote Blue no matter who.

  6. McGovern says:

    I won’t vote for Bernie under any circumstances. Not because of his political positions, which I agree with, but my reasoning is that he has no plan to actually get his promises accomplished and zero track record to give me faith that he’d be able to pull it together by the power of sheer will. The guy is old as hell, been in public life his entire career (much to the financial benefit of his wife) and, other than being a loud mouth and traipsing about with the Chomsky gliterrati, doesn’t have much to show for it.

    Why I like Warren is that she has the right message, a plan to accomplish it, and a track record to back it up. *IF* Bernie were to win, we’d get nothing accomplished AND the stock market will tank. So, vote your job and lobby your hobby. So, all things being the same, I’d like my 401k to remain intact.

    But, the fact is Bernie, if nominated, won’t win. He’ll lose – 40 states? And god knows how many down ballot people will go with him.

    It gives me no pleasure to report this. And, to be extremely clear, I really dislike all of the candidates (spare Warren), pretty much equally and for different reasons! There’s something for everyone to hate with this cast of clowns. Bernie has the most dislikable supporters, but Pete and Bloomberg take the cake in terms of the most dislikable candidates.

    Hope everyone is having a nice day.

  7. RE Vanella says:

    Liberals prefer fascism over socialism. More & more people are realizing this. It’s usually so that they don’t have their sugar planations nationalize. Same argument here.

    10% of US households own 82% of stocks/securities market. Including yours truly. (I just care about the country more than myself.)

    Bottom line. Feel free to fly the banner Protect My 401(k). We’ve got more people. Once we organize enough of them there will be a wealth tax. Also, if you own enough capital to be impacted, you’ll be fine.

    Try to start to cope.

  8. RE Vanella says:

    On a side note, it gives me absolute joy to read McGovern’s comments. So explicitly fascist sympathic. The classic 60s era white Boomer who took advantage of every opportunity then moved to a gated community (figuratively or literally) and tells everyone else how it works.

    Just ratting himself out sentence after sentence. Thinks everyone’s like him. Fucking know it all, but so so afraid. Deathly afraid. This is going to be an absolutely fantastic year.

    • Alby says:

      I think a lot of Boomers are at the point of retirement, and even older Gen Xers are at the age where they start to worry about it. “Deathly afraid” is exactly right — that 401k is the only stock market presence most people have, and more of it’s in mutual funds than individual stocks.

      Your lack of empathy for folks in this position is unbecoming, and it’s not going to convince anyone in that position to vote for Bernie. You’d be much better off touting how strong the economy would actually be if income were better redistributed.

      • RE Vanella says:

        I just said I have a 401(k) too.

        You think I should be empathetic to the wealthy the affluent the privileged? Yeah, when are they ever going to catch a break? 🤣

        Our greed and lack of empathy is why we’re in this situation. Reconsider what you’re saying here.

        (Mutual funds are stocks, bonds & securities. That figure includes mutual funds. The number of people I lack empathy for is actually quite small.)

        And, to be clear, I have no empathy McGovern at all. Zero. Because it’s fake. You and I both know that someone with say $500,000-1mil up to even $10mil will see no significant impact to their wealth.

        It’s class war talk. That’s fine. Well fight that war. We’ve got people. Way more.

        • Alby says:

          Two points:

          1) Folks with $500,000 in a 401k are looking at it in terms of stock market valuation. It generally isn’t the right thing to look at in terms of your retirement, but that’s how they look at it. So their fear is real even if the causes for it are not. So they act as if the stock market downturn that’s inevitable upon Sanders’ election will be a permanent thing. I don’t think you realize how hard that drum is being played on “business” cable channels.

          2) I have no idea how much of what McGovern wrote is real, nor do you. What’s important, if you’re trying to convince people to join your side, is to overcome those fears with rational analysis, which you have failed to do. “Fuck you, vote for somebody else then” is, ironically, exactly what Joe Biden tells people who disagree with his priorities.

          The point of dialogue is to persuade people that you have better answers than they do. I think a better approach than yours is to point out that redistribution of wealth downward will have more stimulative effect on the economy than any tax cut for the rich could possibly provide.

          • RE Vanella says:

            He already said he’d never vote for Bernie! Come on dude. Give it break.

            • Alby says:

              If you count up all the people who currently say they’ll never vote for Bernie, they are more than equal to the number who say they will never vote for Trump.

              And we can’t afford to have them vote for neither.

              Were you any good at math before? Cause sometimes I wonder about your counting ability now.

          • Dana says:

            Alby wrote:

            So they act as if the stock market downturn that’s inevitable upon Sanders’ election will be a permanent thing.

            Remember, Hillary Clinton’s victory was already penciled in to stock prices, but the market would lose 10% or more if Donald Trump won. When it became apparent on election night that Mr Trump was going to win, Dow futures plummeted 750 points. And then . . . .

  9. RE Vanella says:

    I literally cannit convince McGovern. Don’t care to. Don’t need to. His priorities are not in my list. His interests are not my concern. There are far less of him than you think. As I think I said.

    You fucking think some cunt coming on here crying about his fortune is looking to get convinced? Jesus Christ. He just came on here to “report”. Fuck that guy.

  10. Jim C says:

    Re: prosecutors quit…”Only a matter of time before the pardons start flowing.”
    I thought I read somewhere that “being impeached” meant he could no longer issue pardons?
    Is that not the case?
    Anyone? Bueller?

  11. mediawatch says:

    Jim C,
    Where have you been? In what bubble are you living?
    Being impeached doesn’t mean a goddam thing.
    He’s president. He can do what he wants. He says the Constitution tells him so. (And if someone challenges that position, well, Bill Barr will fix that too.)
    Roger Stone will be pardoned within hours after he’s sentenced. First, he wants to see whether the judge has been properly intimidated. If the threat didn’t work, the pardon will come before Stone leaves the courtroom.
    Then he’ll start talking about impeaching the judge.
    Fuck us all.

  12. RE Vanella says:

    Folks, Working Families Party PA/DE have endorsed Madinah Wilson-Anton. Viola, drop out.


    Some of you are probably wondering, what does this do? Ok, I’ll tell you. Every working person, poor person, disabled person, disenfranchised person, Spanish speaking person, Muslim and pensioner will be personally engaged now. Watch.

    Organizing resources folks. New game in town. Sorry.

  13. Jason330 says:

    Trump is so deeply hated that the Democrats could nominate Karl Marx and win.

    • Alby says:

      Yes, he’s all the way up to 44%. These are historically poor numbers. So now I think you’re just trolling.

      If people are going to fall for his “crazy ass shenanigans,” then they don’t deserve self-government, do they?

      • Jason330 says:

        Outside of the Nazi rallies, Trump is only popular among TV pundits and concern trolls because he puts bread on their tables.

        McGovern sounds like. Coons staffer. His only hope for continued employment is a Trump/Coons win

        • Dana says:

          Must be some awfully big Nazi rallies! Gallup has President Trump at 49% job approval, and Republicans don’t make up 49% of the population. The Democrats seem awfully concerned that the President might actually win the 2020 election.

          President Trump doesn’t put bread on anyone’s tables, other than those of his employees. But our current economy is putting bread on more people’s tables than ever before, while your preferred candidate is saying that he will completely transform the economy. Some people might reasonably worry that such a transformation will hurt rather than help them.

          • Jason330 says:

            Alex, I’ll take things a complete Dumbfuck would say for $1,000

          • Alby says:

            The Gallup poll was a considerable outlier.

            “Some people” = “ignorant people”

            To quote the late great Paul Owens, “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t stick the dumb son of a bitch’s head in it.”

  14. RE Vanella says:

    The full force of Working Families Party will also be leveraged for Larry Lambert.


    Always be organizing.

  15. RE Vanella says:

    “Bourgeois society stands at the crossroads, either transition to Socialism or regression into Barbarism.” –Rosa Luxemburg

    This was accurate then and now. And also for Luxemburg personally and unfortunately.