Coons’ Prayer Breakfast – The most important thing ever!

Filed in National by on February 13, 2020

We were going to boost this post on Facebook to make sure the widest possible audience knew that kissing Trump’s ass at the prayer breakfast was more important to Coons than being present at the Barr confirmation vote.

Facebook rejected it.   So give Coons & Zuckerberg the finger by going to this post, liking it and sharing it.  Also, like our FB page.





About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Yes friends it’s another day, another prayer breakfast for our little “centrist” warrior Chris Coons, followed by a brisk round of reaching across the aisle to his good friends the Republicans. The same “good people” who line up for Trump each and every time. Does the famed breakfast offend me as an Atheist? Nope, just makes me laugh at the astounding hypocrites in attendance, shiny hairless heads or not.