DL Open Thread: Thurs., Feb. 13, 2020

Filed in Featured by on February 13, 2020

Rethugs Do Nothing, Say Nothing, To Limit Trump’s Dictatorial Reach.  The criminal conspiracy that is the Rethuglican Party continues unabated. 

Tennessee Rep. Rails Against Tampon Hoarders. Opposes a three-day sales tax break on feminine hygiene products b/c users might hoard them. And what? Sell ’em on E-Bay? I can’t even…

Bloomberg: End To Redlining Destroyed Economy.  I know, I know, I might end up voting for him too.  But he’s a plutocrat, and will always be a plutocrat.  Just not as bad a plutocrat as Trump. Some black legislators see him as the practical alternative.  While he may well be, can we at least hear from the guy instead of merely basking in the glow of his professionally-crafted ads? What if he bombs in his first debate? Then what?

The Globalization Backlash.  When globalization fails billions of people, a backlash inevitably follows.  An interesting think-piece.

Bernie: The Campaign Is The Message.  He’s the frontrunner and, when you read something like this,  you can understand why he could well remain the frontrunner.  And, yes, even win.

Jane Brady: Go Fuck Yourself. Let’s get this straight. For over 50 years, the Rethuglican Party has exploited racial resentment as its ticket to electoral success. Jane Brady did so as Attorney General–pushing mandatory drug sentencing laws that were intended to, and succeeded in, incarcerating tens of thousands of minorities, most for the simple ‘crime’ of possession.  She joined forces with the most racist Delaware legislators–Tom Sharp, Jim Vaughn (who appropriately has a prison named after him), and Wayne Smith, to browbeat legislators into passing this draconian legislation. In other words, she belongs under those same white Klan hoods in the cartoon that offended her (Spoiler Alert: It didn’t really offend her)  every bit as much as Rush Limbaugh does.  She, Limbaugh and most national Republicans built their careers on the backs of those who were victimized by their, wait for it, ilk. Delaware’s Rethuglican Party deserves her.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Alby says:

    You can’t make it up: Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs, one of the guys who literally destroyed the economy in 2008, says — you guessed it, didn’t you? — Bernie Sanders would destroy the economy.

  2. mouse says:

    It’s so sad that the Republicans can’t even field a sane competent candidate to run on something other than nutcaseisms. It’s not like the Democrats are deserving of praise for anything in DE and are mostly
    a default vote. .

    • Alby says:

      Still not reaching 30%. But doing much better with the black vote.

      • RE Vanella says:

        You do understand there are another 10+ people in the field right? That old denominator issue again. I like that you stick to your guns though and reinforce the same benchmark all the ‘insiders’ use. And yes you do notice which way the trend is going. 😁

  3. john kowalko says:

    Bloomberg is a Democrat??. I call Bulls**t on that.

    Bloomberg is willing to say whatever is expedient at the moment (including contradicting statements about the 2004 Republican National Convention, for example: https://www.nytimes.com/2004/01/29/nyregion/bloomberg-looking-to-convention-restrains-cheer-for-bush.html). He frequently contradicts or lies about his past statements and views (more examples: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/01/a-list-of-things-bloomberg-actually-said-about-fat-people-rape-george-w-bush-and-j-lo/). He has also made degrading comments about women, including in his deposition for sexual harassment lawsuit against his company: https://www.villagevoice.com/2001/10/30/bloomberg-by-bloomberg/.

    The one on sexual harassment is disgusting.
    I had also forgot about his fight to continue fingerprinting people for being poor.

    ” Inconvenient facts—such as the reality that Bloomberg fervently endorsed President George W. Bush for re-election in 2004 (in a speech to the Republican National Convention, no less) or that as mayor of New York he championed racist stop-and-frisk police policies—are less important to party chieftains than the humongous dollar signs that self-financing Bloomberg is bringing to the table”
    Any Democrat who supports him or his attempts to buy a presidential election should be ashamed.
    Representative John Kowalko

    • Alby says:

      And the obvious counter-argument is that Sanders pointedly won’t become a Democrat.

      Just one more example that one of those two has principles, and the other one is merely power-hungry.

      We have to expect this. Billionaires look at Trump and think, “I’m smarter than that guy, and he’s not even a real billionaire anyway. I could do better than him!” They tend to be competitive sorts, so they want to prove it.

      Until Citizens United is overturned or a Constitutional amendment is passed, our so-called elections can be expected to get worse than they are already, possibly much worse.